People stopped denying him the information that he was after at some point and he was given free reign over the local library- all restricted content the archives had to offer was at his disposal, as well.

It was different now, though. He could not recall the last time he exchanged words with anyone and he probably did not know the sound of his own voice- he was at that age, the age when it changes, and his voice was something he heard only when he was tortured, meaning when he was in too much pain to pay attention.

Kayla, too, was carrying a burden. While Edrich could not talk, the girl could not see- all she could do was sense her surrounding in a rather vague way. It was a pitiful existence, if truth be told, and these two deserved much more than what this world had to offer.

The vampire would look for food every evening, after the sun has set, and Edrich was trusted with setting up camp using the blankets they grabbed from the house they spent the first morning in. He'd light a fire if he could find dry wood and that night, luck did not fail them. Kayla returned quickly after the smoke found its way to her nose and she even had a rabbit in her hand. The girl did not speak while the animal was killed, stripped of its fur and roasted, but she did allow herself to sing while he ate. It was another song in the dragon tongue but it had very little to do with the other one- it was a song a drunk wrote to his mother, funny and light.

They were still days away from the nearest town and Kayla did not know for how much longer she could suppress the thirst that was burning in her throat. Edrich knew that he'd be in trouble if she is not fed soon by how, just like last time, her voice became rusty and slightly rougher than usual. He was not well himself but his companion was the most immediate threat he was exposed to.

The next morning was like hell to both of them. Kayla could no longer conceal her thirst, stressing Edrich even more, but she was the one suffering the most- dragonblood was the most delicious of all and there was an untouched wizard right in front of her, defenseless and unable to escape. He'd fight her if she goes berserk, of course, but that would only ignite her desire to have him- she was a predator, a hunter, a killer after all.

She did not hate him for having his knife in his hand as they traveled that day for that reason. In fact, Kayla knew that it was best for them both if the boy remains alive- in the short days of their acquaintance with each other, the vampire has already realized that the boy's intelligence was far beyond what was normal for a grown man who received proper education. It was as clear as day even though he did not speak, and that definitely meant something.

As she thought, him having a weapon in his hand turned out to be very fortunate: "Oi, would you take a look at that," the voice saying that was not Kayla's, that was for sure- not only was it that of a man, deep and low-pitched, but also the words were spoken in a tone Kayla would not ever use. The one speaking was in his mid-forties, not particularly tall but not very short, either. The man had fiery red hair that was growing grayer the closer you got to his scalp and he was wearing a crooked smile only a drunk could have. He was dressed in clothes that could not be worth less than what Edrich would call a fortune and they fit his obese, unattractive features well.

The man accompanying him was the complete opposite of him- tall, hard-faced and dark-skinned, his face decorated by countless scars and calluses that were yet to heal. He had a very strong build, especially for a man his size, and he seemed like the kind of person that would know how to make use of it.

A noble and his bodyguard. Nobles were despised by most common men and feared by women due to the wickedness that they were famous for. "What a pretty girl you have there," the lewd man walked towards the two children who dared not move- Edrich out of caution and Kayla in a struggle to suppress her thirst. When the man was close enough to touch her, a lock of her hair slipped between his slimy fingers. The vampire held her breath and tried to calm her need and her fury. She was not one to be touched so carelessly and the man was a fool for not realizing in what state she was.

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