Test Subject 005 and The Fox

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Test Subject 5

That was both a name and a number to the basilisk, one that she has been called for 14 years. She didn't ask for her and her race to be resurrected from an extinct species for the purpose of being tested on each and every day to see how their powers worked. A power that most basilisk resented, as it only brought harm to the people around them. The power to absorb the magical life force of others. She just wanted a normal life, make friends, going on cool adventures and maybe falling in love. Maybe that was wishful, thinking as she laid in the empty cage, with only her and the rats she would be used as food and the very little light that is present in the cage, but that dream was something that would keep her going as she thought of ways to escape.

Escaping was something that her and the other Basilisk had already tried around a year ago; However, that attempt was futile and ended up.


She places her hand on her head and closes her eyes, as she starts to get a migraine and sadly was reminded about how her older sister died. The way she dies haunted her to this day, causing her to resent the Emperor's coven to this day. If she had the ability to, she would kill every person in the castle and escape. The cage that she resided in however was made of magically protect chains that made it impossible to use her powers on.

She heard the door open to see warden Wrath holding a cardboard large box and hearing grumbling sounds inside it. Usually when she saw a box like this, it meant there was a new creature that was going to be used for testing. The box was bigger than the usual one, though, so this must have been something entirely new to try out.

"Hello Number 5, today you will be trying your powers on a new test subject;However, unlike me who usually runs these test, there will be someone new. Be ready in a few hours. You'll need it.". The cold tone that he uses to explain this makes her spine shiver as he places the box in a bin that was connected to the cage. He walks out of the room towards the door. "Have fun"

He slams the door, and the compartment door opens to show the box fall onto the floor. An "OW" in a slightly, feminine voice was heard from the box, making Five turn towards the box in confusion. What am I being feed today? She thinks in concern. Whatever was in that box just talked, and that either meant it was a witch or a talking demon, which both scared her equally much. She slowly slithered to the box, carefully, trying to make sure she didn't get jumped by whatever was in there. She opened the box to see a purple, Biped Fox demon around her age with nine long tails. She was wearing a Black skeleton crop top Sweater with a black undershirt with a black midi, punk skirt and black ripped leggings. The demon's eyes colored in a deep red, and she could swear she saw skulls in the demon's eyes, along with some sharp, black eyeliner to boot.

Her eyes turned as wide as dinner plates as she slithered back from the demon. Why would they send an innocent child to go and be absorbed by a basilisk. She didn't know what to do as thousands of emotions raged inside her as she felt them eating away at her. Anger for what the Emperor's coven did with this child, Sympathy for what the kid might be going through, and guilt that would permeate her mind as she remembered what she would have to do to the demon that lays in front of her.

The demon got out of the box, making Five get the full look of the demon showing that the demon was a tiny bit taller than her, making her blush. The Demon looked at her and gave her a worried look, knowing what a basilisk was and trying to understand why she was here. The Demon started to hyperventilate as she looked around for some way to escape. Five immediately noticed this and tried to calm down the demon.

"Hey, hey. I'm not going to hurt you. I need you to take a breath." She said, as she put her hand on the Demon's shoulder and used the other hand to count down the breaths. The demon followed suit and after a few minuted, they calmed down their breathing as both Five and the demon moved to the edge of the cage and sat down. "Sorry, I acted ir-irrationally just now. I've just had an experience with a Basilisk before, and it d-didn't go so well." she said in a sad, but calmer voice than before, but having a few hiccups while speaking. Five decided to comfort the Demon by wrapping her tail around them, making the demon seem more relaxed, making Five give a soft smile. "It's fine. I know some can go around and cause chaos, but most of us are pretty docile and try and limit our power usage." The demon felt relaxed hearing this information.

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