Chapter 9 (pt. 1)

Start from the beginning

"Good evening" The siblings bow as the greeted the two.
"Good evening to you too" Ubuyashiki greeted them accompanied with a soft smile.
"Though you didn't arrive flashy, you arrived quite fast!" Tengen spoke brazenly.
"..." Rui stared with annoyance and Yuri with a polite smile.
"I haven't introduced myself have I?" Tengen strocks his chin.
"We don't nee to-" Rui replied but was cut offed.
"I am Tenegn Uzui, the most flashiest Hashira!" Tengen spoke with confidence as he crosses his arms.
"So your the Flashy Hashira?" Rui spoke with sarcasm in his voice and hearing this Yuri held in a laughter.
"Har har... I am the Sound Hashira" Tengen replied with less enthusiasm in his voice.

Ubuyashiki interrupts before things turn violent and starts the discussion about the ongoing mission of the Red Light District.

"... And that is what we have accomplished as of now"  Tengen finishes his report.
"Your wives went missing and its about the prostitutes..." Rui said a bit hesitant and continues "Yuri do you remember the Uppermoon?".
"A bit... one like to eat beautiful girls and the other is full of jealousy..." Yuri concentrates thinking abou the Uppermoon.
"There's 2 demons in that area... " Ubuyashiki ponders.
"Wait... You don't remember your fellow Uppermoons?" Tengen asked honestly confused.
"Yeah, ever since she's been a baby she had really bad memory especially when recalling other..." Rui replied, concern in it.
"Nothing... But what I do remember is that you have to cut off both of their heads at the same time" Yuri spoke and continued "But to find the stronger one you have to cut off the oiran's head?".
"Thank you for the information, Yuri and Rui. But is their anything that would aid us?" Ubuyashiki thanked the siblings then asked.

Yuri pondered a bit on what to say that would aid them in anyway.

"Every major event will always revolve around Tanjiro... He's your key to finally achieving your goal. But don't baby him or anything he needs to experience all he can... That's all I have to tell you" Yuri ends her vague advice.

Ubuyashiki and Tengen thanks the siblings as the siblings thank them for their hard work with a bow and they part ways until the next meeting. The siblings pay a visit to Tamayo and Yuhsiro, Ubuyashiki returns inside his estate as his illness is slowly creeping in, and Tengen heads of to the Butterfly estate.


"Master!" A female voice spoke.
"Daki, a few weak slayers and a hashira will arrive here... You'll handle them, right?" Muzan asked with a calm but demanding tone.
"Of course, Master" Daki replied while her head is held by Muzan.
"Ah, you might spot a girl with an unusual aura, kill them or bring them to me" Muzan commanded in a serious with a int of anger in it.


Tengen walks around the Entertainment District with Tanjiro, Zenitsu , and Inosuke, the 3 covered with heavy make up. And were successful in "selling" of the boys to different brothels for investigation. Inosuke discovers a demon roaming in the walls and chases it leading to no result only discovery but things immediately turns sour for Zenitsu as he discovered by the demon they were looking for and is captured. The rest regroup to discuss their findings, concerned as to why Zenitsu didn't arrive.

Night arrives, Inosuke finds the hole where the demon he was chasing earlier must be in and enters the small hole with a special talent he has. Once he reaches the end of the hole he finds sashes hanging from anywhere containing people in it including his missing friend Zenitsu and frees him and together frees the other and kills the lesser demon maintaining it.

Tengen finds one of his wives and treat her, while Tanjiro after saying his goodbyes to his friends at the brothel smells the scent of a demon from where he just left and opens the door in a rush.

"Ms. Koinatsu!!-" Tanjiro shouts but freezes as he sees Koinatsu body being absorbed by an obi sash that was being commanded by a female demon.
"You must be the slayer Master told us about... Hanafuda earrings" Daki feircley said.

A fight ensues between Tanjiro and Daki as he treid to free Koinatsu from Daki's hold. The battle is fierce as Tanjiro uses the Hinokami Kagura which he has not fully mastered yet. The battle is halted when Daki unleashes a powerful attack that decimates many house in the direction of Tanjiro, not only causing damage but severe injuries to those who were hit by it. This triggered something in Tanjiro that made his eye blood vessel to pop and be able to momentarily uses Hinokami Kagura with out struggle but was stopped as in this state he was not breathing causing him to get stunned freezing in front of Daki gasping for air.

'Those weren't my memories... It must be master's...' Daki thoughts after Tanjiro got stunned '!! There's an unusual aura coming from behind me'.

Daki looks behind her and sees a girl treating the wounded and notices the aura coming from her and grabs her. The sash wraps around Yuri's waist and is pulled to Daki.

"Ah! R-Run!! Leave things will only get worse!!" Yuri shouts this to the civillians before she is pulled away.
"You must be the girl Master was talking about" Daki spoke with anger displayed on her face.
"Muzan will be defeated- AGH!!" Yuri speaks in a foreign language and the obi sash get tighter.
"I don't know what you said but I got really angry at what you said..." Daki replied anger and disgust now was her expression.

As the obi sash continues to grow tighter, Yuri then attcks Daki cutting herlegs making her fall and lose her grip.

"Ah!" 'Can't attack directly...' Yuri thought as she disappears in a second from the area.
"That girls a demon!! How?" Daki as she heals her leg was immediately got attacked by Nezuko.


"Brother this is the girl Master told us about" Daki shouts to her brother.
"You deal with her for a while" The brother said as he walks away.
'This is scene is almost finished but is the most dangerous... I cannot interfere directly' Yuri thought as she stays focused distracting Daki.
"Coward! How dare you turn on Master! " Daki shouts in fury as she attacks Yuri's shield ball.
"You're the fool here, Daki!" Yuri shouts as Daki is attacked by Zenitsu.


Yuri pulls herself out of the rubble of the destroyed area and searches for the slayers. She first spots Zenitsu very injured and close to him is Inosuke alive but is excessively bleeding.

"Agatsuma! Hashibara!" Yuri said as she runs to them.
"C-curry?..." Inosuke manages to mutter.
"Idiot... it's Yuri" Zenitsu said in pain "Why are you here, the sun will rise soon...".
"Nevermind why, It's not a very suitable bandage but it will do" Yuri ignores the questions and weaves her normal threads into a bandage and wraps up Inosuke's wound to at least stop the bleeding for a while.


After patching them up to the best of her abilities, she bring them near where Tengen and his wives are and leaves them for the kakushi and others to find and properly take care of them. By the time she was leaving the sun was slowly rising, it was a race for her life as she ran as quickly as she can to reach Tamayo's place where Rui had stayed in.

"AH!! The sun... Need to Hurry! Hurry!"

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