Destination Despair - 1

Start from the beginning

Although, it was easier said than done.


Monokuma Theater!

*ahem* To those of you who're reading Ultimate Marksman (Goodbye Despair Rewrite)

Thank you very much!

Now, to those of you who read this but don't vote or comment...

You oughta vote or comment, so it makes the author feel good about himself, which inclines him to write more often!


Now that I think about it... don't vote or comment! In fact, insult him! Insult this story! That'll cause him true despair! Puhuhu...

I mean, c'mon! The last one was so bad, he had to discontinue it! I mean, he didn't even include a trial for chapter 2! Ain't that just pathetic!? Ah-hahahaha! Everyone knows that the trials are the best part!

Oh, but don't insult me, of course. Everyone loves me! I have no flaws! I'm a perfect bear!


(Hey... you guys aren't gonna take Monokuma's advice, right? Right, you guys? Gu—)



The sudden school bell rang throughout the island. It was ear-piercing loud, and you couldn't help but jolt up from your bed. You frantically looked around before the events of yesterday came crashing down on you. You then noticed the monitor in the corner of your room flash to life.

Same as yesterday's announcement, it showed Monokuma sitting on a chair with a drink in his hand.


Ahem! Hope's Peak Academy School Trip Committee has an announcement to make!

Good morning everyone! It is now 7 am, and nighttime is officially over, time to rise and shine!

Now then, make sure to show some enthusiasm, and let's give it our all today! It's the first day of the exciting killing school trip, after all!


You let out a sad sigh as you watched the monitor shut off.

You had hoped that everything that happened yesterday, and that you would wake up in your room at your house.

Obviously, that wasn't the case. Any hope you had was crushed away when you heard Monokuma's obnoxious voice on that monitor.

Well, it was crushed when you realized you woke up in the island cottage, but Monokuma's voice solidified it.


knock knock knock


You got out of bed and walked to your door. You looked out the peephole and saw Peko standing there with a stoic look on her face.

Ultimate Marksman (Goodbye Despair Rewrite x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now