will you?

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*One week later*

"so my parents are leaving Friday and won't be back till Monday night" Jess stated as the girls stood by the lockers waiting for the first bell to ring.

"so the party is on" Lucy asked as Jess shook her head "I'm so pumped... who are we inviting" Lucy questioned.

"the whole school right, I mean my house is big enough for that" Jess replied as they all agreed, that when a certain broad figure caught Y/N's eyes. 

"um I'll be back" Y/N stated and chased after the figure.

"JJ" Y/N shouted as she watched him stopped in his track to turn around. Y/N finally caught up with him, as he stood there looking down at her.

"what's up captain" JJ said bluntly which Y/N knew everything was still weird.

"um well I'm throwing a party on Saturday, and I thought you and the guys on the team would want to come" Y/N stated nervously as JJ let a little chuckle out. "what" Y/N questioned.

JJ just stood there with his devious smirk, tilting his head. Y/N just thought to herself how can he be so full of himself yet still be so... HOT! Y/N couldn't get the thought out of her mind; of what it would be like to kiss JJ. The way he stands there all confident and not a care in the world, yet you can look in his eyes and see the sensible side. 

How can someone be such a player, sweet talking everyone he meets, yet manage to remain true to themselves? It's quite confusing really - she thought to herself. This made Y/N wonder more about JJ than ever. As she continued staring at him, lost in these thoughts, she suddenly realized something else: Y/N hadn't noticed until now, but today, underneath the sweaty football practice clothes, the hint of a hard muscular torso beneath the layers, the subtle swelling of his package, combined with the raw energy and confidence oozing off him – it hit her hard.

Like a thunderbolt. In a flash, Y/N's desire became undeniable, making her mouth water involuntarily. Despite knowing better, despite the warnings in her head screaming 'no!' Y/N found herself drawn towards JJ, compelled by the magnetic force radiating from him. She started walking slowly toward him, unable to resist the pull.

In response, JJ raised an eyebrow, his cocksure grin turning slightly mischievous as he crossed his arms across his broad chest.

"Well, aren't you brave?" he remarked teasingly, a glint of amusement dancing in his eyes. Feeling emboldened by the unspoken challenge, Y/N stepped closer, allowing herself to be consumed by the heat of his presence. She bit her lip, her heart pounding against her ribcage as she met his gaze, their bodies almost touching. With each passing moment, the electricity between them grew stronger, palpable, nearly tangible. 

"so will you come" Y/N asked taking another step closer not thinking about what she was doing. In this moment Y/N forgot everything she and the girls talked about and just played along with JJ. 

"I might, guess you'll find out on Saturday" JJ leaned down and whispered in Y/N's ear, causing a shiver to send down her spine. As he backed up to face her, he could tell she was flustered and he just caused him to chuckle.

"what" Y/N snickered confused on why he was laughing.

"just you" JJ replied as he continued to walk past her, which caused Y/N to be confused even more. As she watched him walk away, she kept thinking why did she always come back to JJ? Why was it always JJ? "see you Saturday" JJ raised his voice as he continued walking down the hallway, not looking back causing Y/N to break a smile onto her face.


Unexpected love* KSI x Reader*Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin