1st Day for Chaos

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Simon felt a pang of curiosity mixed with a tinge of concern as he saw the hesitant expression on Y/N's face. His ocean blue eyes locked onto hers, conveying a silent support, encouraging her to speak her truth. The sounds of the bustling hallway seemed to fade into the background, leaving only the two of them in their own little world, their connection growing stronger with each passing moment.

As the sound of the school bell filled the hallway, it punctuated the air with a sense of urgency. Y/N and Simon exchanged a quick glance, their unspoken words hanging between them like a fragile thread. The polished marble floors, glimmering under the soft glow of the hallway lights, seemed to beckon them forward, their footsteps echoing with a sense of finality.

Simon leaned in slightly, his voice filled with genuine concern. "Is something bothering you, Y/N? You can tell me, you know."

Y/N's heart skipped a beat at Simon's compassionate tone, her emotions dancing like delicate butterflies within her chest. She took a deep breath, mustering the courage to share her secret with him, knowing that he was someone she could trust.

Their moment interrupted by the arrival of Jess and Lucy, their thoughts and emotions were momentarily suspended, like an unfinished melody. Jess, with her medium light brown hair cascading down her shoulders, approached Y/N with a knowing smile, her eyes gleaming with curiosity. Meanwhile, Lucy stood by her side, her doe-like brown eyes filled with warmth and concern.

As Jess and Lucy approached, a wave of relief washed over Y/N, grateful for the support of her two best friends. The polished marble floors beneath their feet seemed to echo with a sense of camaraderie, as if they were a united front ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

"Hey, Y/N! What's going on?" Jess asked, her voice filled with genuine curiosity.

"um nothing we were just about to head to class, right" Y/N said glancing at Simon.

Y/N glanced at Simon, her heart racing with a mixture of anticipation and apprehension. She could feel the weight of Jess and Lucy's expectant gazes upon her, their presence amplifying the intensity of the moment. The polished marble floors seemed to gleam in the soft glow of the hallway lights, mirroring the uncertainty that swirled within Y/N's mind.

Simon nodded at Y/N's words, a faint smile playing at the corners of his lips.

Simon's gaze lingered on Y/N for a moment before he turned his attention to Jess and Lucy. His voice carried a sense of warmth and genuine interest as he greeted them. "Hey, Jess. Lucy. How was your summer break?"

Jess interlaced her arm with Y/N's, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Oh, you know, the usual. Adventures, late-night movie marathons, and plenty of ice cream.

Jess giggled, her laughter carrying a melodious note that filled the air like a gentle breeze. Her eyes sparkled with mischief, reflecting the allure of her adventurous spirit. Lucy, standing by her side, arched an eyebrow playfully, a subtle challenge hidden in her gaze. Her eyes, full of warmth and understanding, held a depth that betrayed the wisdom of her tender years.

"Oh, you two are always up to something," Simon remarked, his voice laced with amusement.

"Always," Jess replied with a playful grin. "But enough about us. What's been happening with you, Simon? Any exciting adventures?"

Simon chuckled, glancing at Y/N before answering. "Oh, you know me. Just the usual Football practices and hanging out with these guys," he gestured towards Luke, who had been standing silently, observing the conversation.

Luke flashed a lopsided grin, his eyes twinkling with mischief. "Yeah, same old stuff.

"Luke, I swear I saw someone kicking the Football yesterday," Lucy piped up, her voice laced with a mix of excitement and curiosity. Her words hung in the air, weaving a web of intrigue that seemed to capture everyone's attention. The polished marble floors beneath their feet seemed to shimmer with anticipation, as if eagerly awaiting Luke's response.

Unexpected love* KSI x Reader*Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant