Mixed Emotions

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As the sun peered timidly over the horizon, its golden rays casting a warm glow upon the world, Y/N and her three best friends embarked on their journey to school. The familiar hum of the car engine filled the air, blending harmoniously with the soft melodies of their favorite playlist. The gentle breeze whispered through the open windows, tousling Y/N's long, light blonde hair and carrying the promise of a new day with it.

As Y/N and her three best friends stepped out of the car, a wave of anticipation washed over them. The grand façade of the high school loomed before them, its towering brick walls echoing with the buzz of students and the heavy thud of footsteps on the concrete pavement. The scent of freshly cut grass mingled with the faint aroma of coffee from the nearby café, creating a sensory symphony that danced through the air.

"Y/N are you sure you want to do this" Jess asked standing by her best friends side.

Y/N turned to face Jess, her captivating ocean blue eyes filled with determination. Her long, light blonde hair swayed gently in the breeze, framing her freckled face as she spoke. "I have to face them, Jess. I can't keep avoiding it forever," Y/N's voice held a mixture of apprehension and resolution. The morning sun cast a radiant glow upon her, highlighting the subtle freckles that adorned her youthful and innocent features.

"Y/N it's only been a week, a lot went down between the three of you" Lucy added as they all stood outside the school doors.

"what could go wrong Y/N, I mean other than they won't speak to you" Luke butted in as Jess and Lucy pushed him away.

Y/N took a deep breath, her heart pounding in her chest like the fluttering wings of a trapped bird. The grand façade of the high school seemed to loom over her, its towering brick walls casting long shadows that danced upon the concrete pavement. A gust of wind rustled through the nearby trees, carrying with it the earthy scent of fallen leaves and a sense of anticipation.

As Y/N stepped through the grand doors of the high school, the chatter of students enveloped her, blending into a symphony of youthful energy. The linoleum floors beneath her feet seemed to echo with the rhythm of hurried footsteps, as if each student carried the weight of their own expectations. The sunlight filtered through the windows, casting a warm golden glow upon the bustling hallways.

Y/N's heart pounded in her chest, her thoughts racing like wild stallions.

As Y/N turned the corner, her footsteps faltered, the sound of her heart pounding in her ears drowning out the cacophony of voices that filled the hallway. Time seemed to stand still as her eyes fell upon JJ and Jennie, locked in an embrace against a row of lockers. The world around her faded into insignificance as her mind struggled to process the sight before her.

Y/N's breath caught in her throat as she took in the sight before her. Her ocean blue eyes widened, framed by her black square glasses, captivating and curious. The dimly lit hallway seemed to shrink, the walls closing in on her as she stood frozen, unnoticed by the couple locked in their tender embrace. The sound of her own heartbeat thudded in her ears, the rhythm mirroring the storm of emotions that raged within her.

"Y/N what's wro..." Jess started but stopped as soon as she looked where Y/N was staring.

Jess's voice trailed off as she followed Y/N's gaze, her eyes widening in realization. The dimly lit hallway seemed to grow colder, the air thick with tension as the scene unfolded before them. Dust particles floated aimlessly in the golden streams of sunlight, suspended in time as if frozen in their delicate dance.

Y/N's heart clenched in her chest, a whirlwind of emotions threatening to consume her. Jess, and Lucy grabbed Y/n and dragged her down the hall, avoiding the sight they just saw.

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