Chapter 2

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Bruce Pico finished putting away the pans. He looked outside his window into the backyard. Vincent, and Gareth suddenly crashed into a bush.

"JESUS!" he said, running outside. His surprise turned to shock as his nephew and the stranger tumbled out of the bushes.

"STOP!" Vincent yelled, blocking Gareth's punches. "I just wanna talk, Gray Wolf!"

Gareth stopped. "What did you just call me?!" he asked. Vincent grinned. Gareth became filled with rage. He wound back for another punch. Bruce tackled him back into the bushes.

"Uncle Bruce!" Vincent yelled. "Chill out, he's a friend!"

"I'm not your fucking friend!" Gareth yelled, pushing Bruce off him.

"Well, you are now, Godan!"

" 'Godan' ?" Bruce asked, standing up.

"I'm out of here!" Gareth said, walking towards the fence door.

"Oh, come on!" Vincent ran out in front of him. "I'm sorry for carrying you off like that. I just can't believe you're in Toronto!"

"I can't believe it either," Gareth mumbled, trying to get around Vincent.

"We can give you a meal!" Vincent said, putting his arms out. "What do we have for leftovers, Uncle?"

Bruce wiped the snow off himself. "Organic lasagna, with carrots and peas."

Gareth stood there, glaring at them.

"You like peas, right?" Vincent asked, nudging him.

Gareth growled.

Vincent grabbed Gareth's sleeve. "Come on, you'll feel right at home!"

Vincent gave a hard tug, forcing Gareth to face plant into the snow.

"Oh, crap!" Vincent grabbed Gareth underneath his arm and lifted him to his feet. "Sorry, sorry!" He began brushing the snow off his visitor.

Gareth pushed him off. "I'm good," he said. "Lead the way."

Vincent smiled, and ran into the house. Gareth shook his head, and followed. They went through a kitchen and entered a dining room, filled with round tables. A giant cross hung from the wall.

Gareth looked around. "Where am I?"

"This is the Toronto Catholic Worker Community House," Bruce said behind him.

"And you are?"

"I'm Bruce Pico" he said, pulling a chair out of a nearby table, "head of the house, and Vincent's uncle."

Gareth crossed his arms.

"Please, sit down, friend." Bruce gestured at the chair. "You're in a safe place."

Vincent came out with a plastic container and fork. "Here's the lasagna," he said, pulling off the lid. A ding went off in the kitchen. "Hold on, let me get the veggies."

He ran back to the kitchen. Gareth looked at the steaming lasagna. He looked back at Bruce, who nodded. Gareth sat down, took hold of the fork, and dug in.

"DO YOU WANT ANYTHING TO DRINK?" Vincent yelled from the kitchen.

Gareth ignored him, and continued eating.

"Bring him water, Vince," Bruce said. He watched Gareth devour the food. "So, since Vince brought you here the way he did, I assume that you know his secret?"

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