Chapter 10 Dreams, Hallucinations And Chimeras!!!!!!!

Start from the beginning

I gazed at the wound and then averted away not wanting to hear his further blabbering.

"Can I stay here for couple of days? I promise you. I won't be a trouble" he asked immediately as I turned around not showing interest in his articulation.

Furiously I turned around how he can expect to share an accommodation with me.

"Out of question." I bursted aloud and walked to my room closing the door behind.

I wasn't tired as usual but the fact that I could not fight enough to knock him down had whacked my brains. If I could not beat this silly chocolate boy in my fight then I guess I have a long way to go on my training. Why?... why?... I curse at myself. Why am I short of skills? and I  headed to the washroom pouring hot water to my body wondering how many such washes do I need to wash my impurities away. Or is there any liquid or soap or detergent that can wash away the memories of those three men, their faces away, nor can I ever get rid of the voices of their evil laughter.

I walked down the stairs, a delicious aroma waiting for me.

'Mom" I told myself. How was mom early this year? She normally showed up only after my brother's school was done for the academic year. Though I behaved coldly with my mother, it was for her good only otherwise she'd force me about the events I refrained from sharing it with her earlier.... I wish I could explain that it was for her good and the anecdote of my life would shatter her life both emotionally and materialistically.

 The irony is that I loved my mom the most in the world. After all I am forcing myself alive only because of my mom and my only sibling.

Only when mom was here I could get the delicious aroma of the home cooked food as she would always fuss over my pale face and skinny body.

I rather prefer starving or feeding on cereals and milk. I had no appetite left. I feed on my past and my fitness, not to forget my books of academies.

There were times when for three consecutive months I was feeding on only liquids which was forced fed to me. The way water was poured into my mouth.... the memoirs of those days would never stop haunting my life.


"Breakfast is ready" Davidson said as he placed some French toasts on the silver and crème carved dining table with glass top, which seemed to be untouched for almost a year.

It was then that I realized that I had intruder here. But I expected him gone by now and this breakfast is a bit too much. Aberrantly I am not intimidated by his presence. I wonder why. Not to forget that my thistles are on high alert even when the cleaners and house keepers come on to do their duty. This irritates me further that I am unaffected or queerly affected with this guy's presence

"I expected you to leave by now" I spat at him with a flat face.

"I couldn't. You fainted last night. It might be dehydration or lack of nourishment. So I thought I can bid good byes only after I am sure you'd be fine." David said easily.

Disgusted with his forced behavior I shouted at him "I do not need your care. Leave"

He was unstable for a moment being in indecision and he stepped ahead.

 I was relieved of his finally exiting from the front door but instead he marched towards me "You have to eat that if you want me gone or I am staying here tonight too." He sat on the floor stretching his hands like a stubborn child forcing his parents to buy him his favorite toycar.

No doubt the cuisine felt delicious with its mere aroma and although I was loss of appetite but the food after starving since last morning when I had only a glass of juice with an apple it was welcoming.

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