chapter twelve: its time

Start from the beginning

As I neared the end of my routine, a surge of adrenaline rushed through me. I executed my final move with precision, feeling a sense of accomplishment wash over me. The applause from the audience was deafening, but it was Quinn's proud smile and Coach Val's approving nod that meant the most.

I could hear Quinn cheer for me out of all the people clapping. I flash a huge smile and gracefully skate off of the ice. 

Val immediately  bear hugs me as I get off of the ice. "That was amazing Gen!! I'm so proud of you!" She says into my shoulder.

I'm still shaky from the adrenaline. I laugh with her as we talk about the routine and how I did.

As I was talking, I see the next girl walk onto the ice. I hate hiding a persons skill from they appearance, but I do it anyways.

She was a tall, slim blonde with an expensive looking white and gold leotard.

God she looks like she's going to beat the shit out of my score.

I turn my focus from the ice rink back to Val and Eva who had walked over in costume. She gives me a supportive hug.

"You looked awesome out there Gen, god I don't know if I'm going to be that good.

"Thanks Ev, you'll do great though, I saw you practice.  don't even think about doing bad." I giggle and look into her eyes.

Her and Val walk back to the rink and watch the other girls.

I start to walk back to the dressing room when I hear my name called out.

"Gen! Wait!"

I turn my head and see Quinn.
I walk over to him and when we meet he gives me a hug.

"Holy shit you did so good out there! I can't even imagine doing all that shit on skates.." he says as his brown eyes sparkle in the lights.

"I was so nervous out there. I might've looked okay emotionally out on the ice but I was like freaking out inside." I nervously laugh.

He looks me up and down. "I just noticed how tall you are on skates compared to me." He laughs and uses his hands to compare our heights.

"I guess you are just short Quinn." I say trying to annoy him.  Quinn shrugs at my suggestion.

"Want to come with me back to the dressing room? I want to get my phone and eat something because im starving." I complain.

He agrees and we walk over.

We only had a half hour before they compared everyone's score to see the winner of the competition.

"Come on, Eva is texting me saying that coach wants me back." I usher Quinn and we walk back to the big rink.

"Gen, holy fuck you might have won this." Eva says in excitement.

"No way actually?! I didn't do that well.." I say brushing off the subject.

Eva turns and looks at Quinn up and down.

"Quintain what are you doing here?" She says suspiciously.

"Well, I guess-" he rubs the back neck trying to come up with an excuse and is cut off my the announcers voice fills the whole arena.

"It's time to announce our winners for the Glen Powell memorial ice skating competition. The results of the women's singles will be posted momentarily.." the voice of a women says over the speakers.

I don't even want to look at the huge screen. I keep my head away from it and look at Quinn who is patiently waiting with Eva and Val.

All of a sudden I see Eva jumping with pride. She looks at me and turns my head with her hands.

I'm forced to look at the board and there at the gold metal position is my name!

We both scream and jump with our skates still on our feet. Eva didn't place on the podium but was a close third to another girl from Ontario.

"Gen, you have to get out there!" Val tells me in anticipation of me getting my medal.

I take my skate guards off and give Quinn another hug. "Thanks for coming huggy." I say calmly into his neck and then proceed to skate onto the ice.

As  my name was announced, I step onto the top portion of the small podium that was in the middle of the rink.

I felt so proud of myself right there, I had actually won this. To think I was doubting myself.

This is something you're going to remember for a while.


As I don't compete any more, Quinn offers to take my back to my dorm. I accept so we can have a talk in his car.  I mean, how bad could it be? This is a perfect excuse to spend more time with him.

Gen I know you didn't just say that. Pick me ass.

I walk out of the arena with Quinn, medal hanging on my neck. I changed back into the clothes I came here with.

"Long ride ahead of us.." Quinn says to me.

"I guess so.. I call aux!" I don't want to listen to Quinn's weird music so I make sure to say that.

I out my stuff in the back of his car, and hop into the front seat of his Porsche.

Quinn starts to back out of the parking spot and his fingers softly brush my arm as he looks back to make sure he doesn't hit anyone.

Even though the contact was a few seconds, my cheeks heat up and I turn to look outside to hide it.

I play Style Taylor Swift and we exit the parking lot.

"On the way back!" Quinn says.

Quinn's right, this is going to be a long drive.


Hey guys! I know it's weird that I'm actually posting but I just got COVID so I'm staying home from school lol.

Anyways I'm not much of a figure skater so forgive me if this chapter (or more figure skating content in the future) doesn't make much sense. I'm a hockey girl!!

Again if you see any spelling or grammar mistakes I'm sorry, I don't edit these chapters😝

Anyways I love y'all!!

Heartstrings on the Blue Line - Quinn HughesWhere stories live. Discover now