Don't Let Me Fall

Start from the beginning

The subtle raw ache she felt after sex due to the latex condom. Overall, she said that it was an experience and that she thoroughly enjoyed having sex with Johnathan. His quirkiness and kindness allowed her to feel less awkward, which evidently left them to have more room to feel comfortable enough to explore inches of each others body. 

And I can only hope to have the similar experience with Nathan. He's not a virgin so my experience might be slightly different than Soraya's but I still hope that I'll have a pleasurable time.

My parents left for the weekend, Conner is with his white baby mama— Ivory, Chloe still hasn't been present like that, and Tia is out smoking with her friends. And my out of town family went to visit other family members in Chicago, they invited me to go with them but obviously I told them no. Which means— I have the entire house to myself, and I expect to take full advantage of it.

Seconds later, I hear a rock being thrown at my window. Rushing to the window, I see Nathan standing beneath it. Opening it, I whisper "What are you doing?"

Nathan laughs, "Being sexy"

"No, you're being incredibly creepy. Just meet me at the back door."

He chuckles, "fine."

Minutes later, I'm walking back upstairs into my bedroom with Nathan in tow. He's wearing nothing but a navy blue sweatshirt and a pair of gray sweatpants. He looks incredibly sexy in his clothes, I'll give him that much.

"You look so good." He whispers in my ear, and wraps his arms around my waist.

Squirming, I laugh "Stop that tickles..." in a high pitched voice causing Nathan to drop his arms and belt out a deep laugh.

    I sock in his arm, "that's not funny."

He winces, and continues to laugh at my expense "Janelle— come here."

    He wraps his arms around my waist, and stares at my face. I'm not sure which part of my face he's starring into but he's defiantly staring at something.

    "Princess, I want you to trust me enough to know that anytime I laugh at you, it's out of love." He croaks in laugher, causing me to push him in his chest— ultimately causing us to crash onto my bed with him on top of me.

    Goosebumps scatter across my body as I feel his hands trace various parts of my body.

"Are you sure about this?" he asks.

I nod, "yes"

Nathan nods, and proceeds to kiss my lips, cheeks, forehead, sucks on my neck, while groping my breasts with his hands underneath my yellow t-shirt. Thankfully, I took my bra off before he got here. Easy access.

    Seconds later, his kisses trail my collarbone, back to my neck, and lands on my lips. His heated tongue slides into my mouth that tastes of spearmint bubblegum. Kissing him back, I run my hands between his legs to feel his now hardened and bulging print. Immediately, I pull away and break the kiss.

"What?" he asks his voice hoarse.

"Do you have a condom?" I croak.

He chuckles, "yes and it's already on. All I have to do is put it in."

"Put your penis in my vagina?"

He sighs, "Yes"

"I'm sorry, I'm just nervous. I was confident at first but now I'm just nervous because I really don't want to mess this up..."

"Janelle," he whispers. "You have nothing to be nervous about. I got you... trust me."

Smiling, I kiss him again— this time with much more passion.

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