New school

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Jake had walked into his new school, Rose meadow highschool. He had ear buds in his ears as he walked in, playing Liquid smooth by mitski. He knew kids would pick on him for liking music and choir, and yes he says he doesn't care but he does. 

That's when he feels a tap on his shoulder. He jumps and turns around to see Stacy, Jake's friend since elementary. He pulled out his ear buds and sat at a table with her waiting for the breakfast bell to end.

“So jake! See you come to join me at rosemeadow. Jr year! You're gonna love it here!” She said her eyes were glowing as a big smile appeared on her face. She leaned over the table, her skirt perfectly flopping down to just cover what needed to be. She looked into Jake's eyes waiting for a response. 

“Yeah!” Before Jake could finish a senior pushed past him.

“Move a new kid!” the older boy with purple hair shouted. This kid was shorter than Jake but not by much. Jake rolled his eyes and turned back to stacy.

“As I was saying, yes I picked the worst time to switch schools, but the kids there started to try and kill me over joining choir.”

Stacy looked scared as she hugged jake. 

“Jake!! You're like 6 foot! There's no way you didnt hit them back.” She said again looking up at him.

“You know I hate violence!” Jake said lightly pushing her off and sitting in his chair. Of course as soon as he sat the bell rang. Luckily it was Friday so Jake was going to Stacy's house for the first time. He was never aloud before because he was a boy, but I guess her parents had softened up a bit. 

*!Time skip!*

Jake had been walking to Stacy's house. His music blasting in his ears. He was listening to boys will be bugs by cavetown. He felt great listening to this song. Even though he'd be deaf from blasting music in his ears, e didnt care he would keep doing it. 

He turned off his playlist and took out his headphones as he walked up to Stacy's house. He heard yelling then running. The door swung open to reveal Stacy and a person walking down the halfway. He couldn't see who it was so he assumed it was her dad. He walked in behind her as they greeted one another.

They then went into her room and pulled out their history textbooks.

“Jake.. it's just so hot in here..” Stacy said as she unbuttoned the first few buttons on her blouse revealing some cleavage. Jake was, to him, surprisingly turned off by this. He then pulled out his text book and they started studying for their upcoming test.

Jake was explaining to her some chemical mixes until the door swung open revealing the same purple haired boy from before. As Jake and the boy made eye contact there hears broth dropped.

“So.. new kids, your boyfriend stacy..?” The boy asked. But before Stacy could mudder out a flustered answer he went up to Jake and shook his hand.

“My name is drew. Drew williams.” Drew smiled before death, glaring at him for a second.

Jake sucked his hand as he nervously said. “My name is Jake sterling.” He then gulped as death glared at him. Yes he was taller and stronger and could kick this kids ass but. He could never hurt anyone. 

“Stacy, leave i need to talk to this kid!” Drew said as Stacy rolled her eyes and left. As soon as that door shut the shorter boy looked Jake dead in the eyes and looked up at him. 

“I dont know who you think you are but if you do anything to my sister i will have you fucking dead.’ Drew said as Jake seemed to cower.

“I promise you I don't like your sister like that!” Jake said back as Drew rolled his eyes.

“Yeah sure…” He said “you better keep your hands to yourself. Don't you ever try to lead her on, you got that..”

Drew then took off his hoodie. Stacy purposely made it hot in her room. As Drew was taking off his hoodie Jake couldn't help but look. Jake's face went red as he quickly looked away. 

How come some girls' tits dont make me feel like this but some guys' waists do.. I must be overreacting. I could never feel this way about a guy. It's not normal. 

Jake thought to himself as he felt himself get super hot and his heart beat speed up.

Drew saw this and thought he had just spooked the guy. 

“Just because I'm older than you doesn't mean I'm going to kill you if you like my sister.” Drew said, walking out letting Stacey back in. Jake couldn't get that image out of his head the rest of the study session. 

A/N i hope yall blow this up like my last drake story tell me if you were hear since my first drake story. and for those who are new. please dont read my first one. you will wanna cry at the spelling.

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