✯ 30 ✯ Welcome Back To Class

Start from the beginning

Did he just tease me?

Did he just tease me?!

Oh my gosh! I'm glad I'm not dead or I'd miss this beautiful moment!

We arrived to the nurse's office and Mr. Aizawa opened the door. And led me to the closest seat.

"The old lady should be here soon. I expect you in class on time," Mr. Aizawa stated.

"I'm here two hours early, how would I not be here on time," I replied.

Mr. Aizawa simply hummed before leaving the room. As soon as the door closed the side door to the room opened. I looked over to see Recovery Girl and I smiled.

"Hello ma'am," I smiled.

"Hello dear, sit, sit. We must get started," she smiled.


Okay. Now I understand why they had me come two hours early, because now I'm running through the halls trying to make it to class.

"Excuse me! Sorry! Coming through!" I called, brushing past people as I hurried through.

Recovery Girl had me sleep after healing me so I could get energy back and so I could focus in class as well.

Suddenly I ran into someone and we both got sent to the ground. I let out a little grunt of surprise before sighing.

"I'm so sorry!" I apologized.

I looked up to see Monoma standing. I then looked over to the person I ran into and my eyes widened as I saw a beauty.

In front of me is a girl of medium height and has a slim build. She has teal eyes and long orange hair that she typically wears tied into a high ponytail on the left side of her head. Her bangs are split into three clumps around her eyes, and some of her hair sticks up in large tufts at the top of her head.

Itsuka Kendo.

"Such beautiful teal eyes," I muttered unconsciously.

"O-oh, thank you?" Kendo replied, confused.

My cheeks flared in embarrassment as I quickly stood up. I offered Kendo my hand and she took it, allowing me to help her up.

"I-I'm so sorry! I was rushing to class and wasn't paying attention. Ah this is an awful first impression," I stuttered embarrassed.

"Don't worry about it. I'm Kendo, Itsuka," she smiled, offering her hand again.

"(L/N), (Y/N). It's a pleasure to meet you," I replied, shaking her hand.

"Not to mention your compliment was super kind, so I'd say you made a great first impression," she smiled.

My face, which had just started to calm down, turned bright red again. I quickly covered my face and Kendo chuckled.

Someone cleared their throat and I looked over to Monoma confused.

Wait...Monoma? That's right. He's here too.

Stop getting distracted by pretty ladies!

"Monoma, it's good to see you again," I smiled.

"Of course. I don't doubt that you were hoping to run into me and accidentally missed. I don't expect anything else from someone in class 1-A," Monoma said, smirking smugly before laughing.

I rolled my eyes and turned to Kendo with a smile.

"Well, it seems he's getting arrogant again. It was nice to meet you Kendo, let's be friends," I smiled.

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