Croton Leaves

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"Adiós, mi bien.'' You said. "If I don't come back, maybe someone will come for you. Whoever it is, they'll be a friend. Please try not to bite that person.''

The place wasn't too far, but far enough away. A clearing in the early afternoon, there was no one there but Diego. The place was clear and full of layers of dead leaves, stuck in the mud by trampling horses. Some hunters probably frequented the place, judging by the amount of bait, traps, and well-placed stones. But because of the Steel Ball Run, many activities were temporarily closed until the runners arrived, so you couldn't disagree that it was a great place to discuss anti-government terrorist plans.

With a stone in his hand, Diego Brando stared at the spot he had chosen, among huge boulders covered in lichen, under the shade of fir trees, and at the foot of a white cedar. The place wasn't inaccessible, but it was unlikely to be crossed by a random passer-by. Diego was there, waiting for you, attracting the little dinosaur as if it were a magnet and then releasing it to roam the clearing with an interest in small prey.

But clarifications, to begin with. It was impossible to hold a conversation with that man without demanding clarifications from both sides.

"What are you thinking?'' He questioned after a few seconds of being stared at, sitting on a rock as he watched you. ''You have the expression of somebody about to throw themselves into an abyss.''

''Maybe I'm about to do that.''

As he said this, you were overcome by a deep chill. The air was thick with the smell of fresh wood, Diego relaxed and closed his sea-colored eyes against the glare of the sun. It was a warm day, impregnated with the smell of grass and the perfume of flowers. Diego himself smelled of freshly mown grass, sweet and pungent.

"If you didn't bring me here to kill me, then just say what you have to say.'' You said harshly, and his face seemed to become more serious.

''Kill you? That's an idea we can't allow room for.'' He replied. ''You need to trust me.''

''Trust you? No, gracias.'' You snorted a laugh and shrugged. ''Spit it out, Diego.''

"Let's take it easy, miss.'' He nodded briefly as he looked at you. ''I need to know... what happened in the frozen strait. Who saved you? Was it Gyro and Johnny?''

You clenched your fists and glared at him grudgingly. But there was no point in losing control again, if he wanted to kill you, he would have done it by now. If he wanted to kill you... he wouldn't have done what he did in the hotel.

"No. It was Wekapipo. He went to my wagon and realized that I wasn't dead...'' You took a deep breath and let it out slowly. ''just almost. I was practically frozen. You needed to see my back.''

''Wekapipo, huh?'' He waved his shaggy blond hair back and forth. ''I'll be completely honest with you, (Y/N). I spared Magenta's life so that he would get Wekapipo out of my way because I knew he had allied himself with Gyro and Johnny.''

You interrupted him with a snort, smiling cynically.

"Oh, is that why you tried to kill me?'' You shook your head in disbelief, still smiling with your eyebrows hopelessly raised. "Damn... Well, it makes sense, doesn't it? I'm Gyro and Johnny's friend, you needed to get me out of your way too, right? What if the teas I gave you were poisoned? Poor Dio.''

He paused for a moment, serious and angry, turning his face towards you. The clouds had parted a little and the sun touched the contours of his jaw and face, making him look golden, like one of Donatello's archangels.

"You're not listening to me.''

''I'm listening to you perfectly, you asshole, keep going!''

He snorted and frowned, which made you think about not being so aggressive so that he wouldn't change his mind about keeping you alive.

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