Chapter Four: A Small Upgrade

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((sign language))

Third POV

James glided through the city as his lens scanned his surroundings to spot any potential agents. He didn't find much as he glided but he heard the distinct roar of the Titan Speakerman in the distance. James flew in that direction and spotted the titan finishing off a small group of agents. He got the titans attention by clicking his lower pair of wings together to make a loud noise that sounded similar to a firecracker going off. The titan looked in his direction as he flew around his head a few times before landing on the titans shoulder. The titan glanced at James before they walked in the direction of the skibidi base. James moved his wings into a resting position as he sat down on the Titan Speakerman's shoulder. The titan continued to walk for a few more minutes before slowing down and sticking his hand up to his shoulder to let James off. James stood up and moved his wings around a little before getting onto the titans hand. They lowered James to the ground and he stepped off of their hand before they stood up again and entered the base. James followed suit and entered through a smaller door before closing it behind him, making sure all of his wings were inside before doing so.

James walked through the halls of the skibidi base. Many eyes followed him as he walked towards the lab of the base. A flash of blue flew past him followed by a few cuts from the song that the skibidis chanted. James tilted his head a little and his lens followed the blue trail of lightning that led to the lab. He continued to walk towards the lab and once he entered he saw the scientist conversing with a normal sized toilet. Though it had some differences compared to the normal toilets. This one had a lot of technology embedded within the ceramic of the toilet along with blue sparks that flew from the back of it. The toilet hovered a few inches off of the ground as its head constantly twitched with a crooked smile stuck on its face. It glanced at James which revealed white eyes that only made the toilet more disturbing to James.

He pointed at the toilet and looked at the scientist before tilting his head a little. The scientist toilet raised a brow before flicking his head dismissively in a random direction. The glitch toilet nodded to the best of its ability before using its speed to move around the room at high speeds. James's lens followed the toilet the entire time, only struggling to keep up when it flew behind him. It stopped after a moment and hovered between James and the scientist. The toilet moved around in a way as if it were taunting James. Though James did not take note of this and instead clicked his wings together to get the scientists attention. The scientist flinched due to the sudden loud noise and turned to face James. The scientist's eyes and overall demeanor said he was irritated. Though that irritation turned to confusion when James pointed at the glitch toilet before pointing to himself. The scientist continued to stare at James as he did this a few more times in an attempt to signal something.

After doing this a few more times James silently sighed before looking around the room. He walked over to the scientists desk and began to look through the drawers. The scientist's claw quickly grabbed James's arm before he could open the drawer that contained his previous memory chip. James looked at the scientist in confusion before the scientist moved James's arm away from the drawer. The scientist opened a drawer closer to him and pulled out a pencil and notepad using his claw before tossing it to James. He caught it and began to scribble on the notepad before turning it to face the scientist. 'Is it possible for me to be that fast or utilize that type of technology?' is what was on the notepad, though it was a little wavy the scientist could still read it. The scientist toilet thought hard about this, it knew James was strong already but would he really need more speed added to him?

James stared at the glitch toilet, who had been there throughout the entire interaction, and the glitch toilet stared back. The scientist got their attention by closing his claw to make a quiet click. They both turned to the scientist before he nodded in response to James's question from earlier. James straightened up and his wings tapped against each other excitedly, making it sound like rain gently hitting a pane of glass. The edges of the scientist's mouth rose a little with James's reaction but immediately went back to his poker face after a moment. The scientist flicked his head in the direction of the spot where James usually rested. James looked to where the scientist motioned before turning to the scientist and nodding. He walked towards the wall as the glitch toilet sped out of the room, probably to give the Alliance some trouble. James took off his equipment and set it on a nearby table before climbing onto the supports and making himself comfortable before the scientist powered him down to give him the same technology as the glitch toilet.


Short chapter, they'll get longer after a while though, I promise

Also I got a question, are there any ideas or scenarios you'd like to see? Interactions between James and the toilets or agents? Or other scenarios? I'm curious to see what people think about my book.

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