chapter nine

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After some time l had to go back so l could take care of the dog. "Do you need a ride?" Mason asks. "Yeah sure."

We go to his car and he starts to drive.  Luckily the radio was on or l would feel uncomfortable. I pet the little dog and it was sleeping. It looked so cute while it slept. "So you're really going to take care of that dog?"he asks out of the blue. "Mhm l am."

I soon make it back home l thank mason before getting out of the car into my house. Today was a very busy day and l was exhausted. I see my mom and she came up to me with a look of confusion. "What are you doing with a puppy?" I knew l was in trouble. "Look mom before you say anything else l was at a store and a kid was kicking this poor dog so l had to take it with me."

"Fine but you better take good care of it." I nod and go upstairs to my room l put down the dog and it was whimpering again maybe it was hungry so l went downstairs and secretly get some chicken. I get a plate and put the chicken onto the plate. I go back upstairs and put the plate on my bed and it tried to eat it but it failed l was wondering what was wrong. I open its mouth and realized some freak took out all of its teeth l was horrified l knew l had to send it to the vet as soon as possible. So l went to my parents bedroom and knocked on the door they soon open the door l tell them about everything and they agreed with me and told me to take the puppy. I take my dog and we go downstairs to the car. I almost cried because this poor dog had suffered alot.

We soon get to the vet me and my parents get out of the car but there was a line. I sigh l guess we had to wait.

After a long time we get to the receptionist. My parents tell them about everything and the receptionist told us to go to room 3. My parents stayed behind and told me to go l was a bit nervous but l had to do it. I go to room three with the dog in my hands. "Hello how may l assist you?" The Veterinarian asks. "Well l found this dog today and it has a injured leg and also has no teeth." The Veterinarian looked worried and she took the dog and did some things to it and gave it some medicine and stuff.

"Alright he will be okay you just need to take extra care of him and also he cant eat hard foods for now he is just a puppy so he will grow the teeth back." I sigh out of  relief but l wondered how she knew it was a he. "How do you know the gender?" I ask out of curiosity. "Well l just checked underneath the dog." That made sense. I thank the Veterinarian and leave the room and go back to my parents. "Im done." They get up from the chair and pay the receptionist before we left. "Should we buy it some food?" My mom asks.  "Yeah."

We get into the car l pet the dog and it was whimpering maybe it was super hungry. I tried to calm it down but it kept whimpering. We soon make it to the grocery store. My parents tell me to stay here while they get the food. I agree and just focus on the dog it had stopped whimpering and it looked at me l smile a bit but it didnt do anything it just stared into my soul it was weird but l let it pass by maybe it was trying to remember me.

I hear the door open and my parents were back already. "That was quick." I say. "Yeah we just bought the dog food." My dad says handing me the dog food it was very big and heavy but l could manage. My mom drives us back home and l was happy to be here again.

I get a bowl from the kitchen before going upstairs l put down the dog and bowl and put some of the dog food into the bowl and lead the puppy to the bowl. The puppy finally starts to eat l was happy. I pet the dog. I hear a someone knock on my window l was confused so l looked out and it was mason. I open the window and he comes inside. "What do you want?" I ask confused.

"Im sorry but l just wanted to hang out with you. You know."
"But l hung out with you already though."
"Not really." I guess we could l didnt have much to do anyways. "Okay fine l guess we can hang out what do you wanna do?" He comes closer to me and holds my waist. "What are you doing?" I ask. "Could l maybe...kiss you." I had to decline l was in a realationship so was he. "No we are both in a realationship mason."
"But we dont like them unless you like your boyfriend." He whispers. As much as l wanted to decline l could not help myself so l pressed my lips onto his he was shocked but he followed my lead l loved feeling his soft lips as l was digging deeper but soon l stopped and lightly pushed him onto my bed. I got onto his lap and swayed my body back and forth. I hear a light groan escape his mouth. "You like it?" I ask he nods. "I really do." He adds l smile and continue. I did not know why l was doing this but l was and l was fucking loving it. I could feel him harden underneath me l looked into his eyes and he looked into mine l softly put my hand onto his chest and slip it away. "I love you." He says but l didnt know if l loved him but before l could answer l hear the dog bark. I shake a bit because l was not expecting that.

I hear my door open. It was my mother. "Uhm what is going on in here!?" I was in a weird position. Me and mason looked at my mom. I quickly get off of masons lap. "Uh mom its not what it looks like l promise."

Without another word she left the room thats how l knew she was angry. I sigh. "You should go mason." I say embarrased . He gets off of my bed and heads for the window. "Bye." He says awkwardly. "Bye." He climbs down the ladder, Now l had to deal with my mom. I sigh and pet the dog. "Why did you have to bark boy." He barks once again he looked excited and he twirled around in circles before laying down on the ground. I open my door and got out of my room. I go downstairs and see my mom dishing she looks up at me but looks back at the pot she was holding. I go up to her and l was about to say something but she said something first. "Im disappointed in you stella."
She says without even looking up at me once. "I know mom im sorry okay l really am something just...made me do it."

"I dont want you and him to ever be close like that. Im just trying to protect you from boys like that." I was confused what did she mean by "boys like that."
"Whats do you mean mom?"
She sighs before speaking up. "I only want you dating black boys okay white boys are...trouble makers." I could not believe what my mother was saying. "White people do not like us and when they do they just use you honey and l dont want that for you."

"Dont you have a white best friend?" I ask she smiles. "Oh dear I  do and l love her but we just want the best for our children."

"So she is in this too?" She nods. "Anyways dinner is ready!" I just sat by the table silently eating.

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