New World-New Allies

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Beacon Academy. It was a school that train the future protectors of humanity against the creatures of Grimm, known as the huntsman or huntresses. This school was one of the elite four schools aspiring huntsman could get into, with the others being Haven, Shade, and Atlas.

Every year, Beacon Academy had an initiation test for aspiring students, to see if they could handle being at the school. Many of the students of Beacon Academy came from other huntsman schools, with the aspiration into getting into one of the best schools an aspiring huntsman can get into.

In order the weed out the week from the strong, the headmaster and professors of Beacon Academy had a very special test prepared to see if these children were ready to face the monsters that are the Grimm!

This years initiation was to send the aspiring students into the Emerald Forest, to see if they could collect relics from some ruins, and return with them in one piece. This was easier said than done as the forest filled with Grimm, from Beowolves, all the way to Ursa.

This year's roster of aspiring students had several unique creams of the crop so to speak.

There was Ruby Rose, the youngest individual to ever enter begin Academy at the age of 15.

Then there was Weiss Schnee, the heiress to the Schnee Dust Company, the largest producers of Dust in the whole world.

There was also Blake Belladonna, a mysterious beauty with an unknown past.

There was also Ruby's older half sister, Yang Xiao Long, one of the strongest graduates from Sanctum Academy.

If there was one individual that stood out from these potential future elite huntsman, it would have to be Pyrrha Nikos. She is a famous aspiring huntsman from Mistral, specifically Argus. She when the regional tournament four years in a row, which is a new record. She also happens to be on the cover of Pumpkin Pete's marshmallow flakes box... which is not very healthy as it has too much sugar.

Just a few minutes ago, these aspiring huntresses along with others who wanted to join Beacon were literally launched into the forest, having to have to come up with a landing strategy on their own. Supervision to ensure there was no cheating was held by the headmaster of Beacon Academy, Ozpin, and his right hand, professor Glynda Goodwitch.

"Alot of potential students this year. Miss Rose and Miss Nikos certainly stand out from the rest."said Glynda, before she knows that her boss wasn't listening as he was watching something from his scroll.

"What is it, professor Ozpin?"inquired professor Goodwitch, wondering what Ozpin was looking at.

She quickly made her way over and looked over his shoulder. There she saw a young man wearing what appeared to be a school uniform wondering through the Emerald Forest on supervised. It that wasn't bad enough, he didn't appear to be carrying a weapon of any kind!

"How on Remnant did a civilian get into the Emerald Forest?"said Glynda, wondering how a young man who look like he was in his teens got into the Emerald Forest.

He wasn't one of the students that applied for Beacon this year, that much was clear. Plus based on the way he was dressed and the fact that he didn't seem to have a weapon of any kind, admit it pretty clear to her that he was a civilian that somehow wandered into the restricted Forest.

"We must send someone to retrieve him at once!"said Glynda, who was about to call someone on her scroll when her boss stopped her.

"Hold on a moment."said Ozpin, getting the attention of his right hand woman.

"Professor Ozpin?"inquired Glynda, wondering why her boss stopped her from calling someone to go retrieve that civilian.

"I do not believe he is a civilian."said Ozpin."In fact, I don't think he's anywhere from here."

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