Chapter 1

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Matthew Andrew Morris is a senior in high school at the age of 18. He is on the school's soccer, tennis, and basketball team. Matthew is one of the worst players on each team. Also his grades weren't as great as can be, he has 3 D's 2 C's and an F.
Matthew lives with Linda his mom, Dave his dad, Chris his brother, and Lily his sister. They live in California, to be specific Stanford. At home Matthew was called Matt, as a nickname.
Matt is trying his best in school to get an academic and an athletic scholarship to Stanford University. So he is going to participate in all practices, and he went to tutoring when he needed to.
Matthew had just got his car for his 18th birthday which was on June 3rd. So Matthew decided to drive to practice for soccer. It was a safe drive to the field. The coach taught the team different tricks, moves, and scores. The coach's name is Coach E. So Coach E was pointing out people to do what he just did, which was a simple pass score. It was Matt's turn to go up, he was really nervous and he didn't want to mess up. Matt didn't mess up in practice at all for soccer, in fact now he's a bit better player. But he didn't show it off because he knew it would mess him up. Sadly, the team treated him like a star so this couldn't be great.
The next day Matt got up, ate breakfast, and drove off for school. He would normally tell his mom, but she had already left for work. So Matt arrived at school, his heart was pounding. Today was exam day 1 and he forgot to study, but it was in math he was doing pretty okay in math. "Let's see how this goes," he said getting out of his car. Matt approached the front door of his math class, he was almost sweating from the nervousness. "Good Morning Mr. Morris," the mean math teacher said. Her name is Ms. Smith, she's old, very wrinkled, no children, not married, and she drives a big minivan. "G-G-goodmorn-n-ning Ms. Smi-i-ith," he stuttered terrifyingly. "Are you ready for your exam today?" She asked with a big smile. "I guess I-I-I am." "Well that's great, take a seat and wait for the bell," Ms. Smith said. Matt nodded yes to her.

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