I'm not sure what the hell is going on with him, but it's mostly scaring me to the point where I should of listened to Sana the whole time instead of ignoring her and making her feel worried. She barely even talks to me and just ignores me when she sees me.

"Jungkook...I don't understand your behavior, one minute your nice and sweet then the next minute you get all angry and possessive towards me, why do you always do this for...?" I asked.

"Because you're mine! I don't like people touching you or even trying to talk to you. It pisses me off, and yet you intend to ignore that statement that I gave to you, and yet you think I wouldn't act that way? Cause clearly I will, you're my girlfriend not anyone other guys." Jungkook said.

"Jungkook, just stop, I don't need that at all. You are doing too much right now." I said.

"Oh? I'm doing too much?! I'm the one that's trying to fucking protect you! Let some guy touch you and I will punish you for it and mostly hurt him." Jungkook said.

He got close up towards my face which caused me to have a tear down my face, I felt scared of him. He was scaring me way too much with his behavior and demeanor and everything. The way he acts was so uncalled for and unnecessary, especially when we are in public as well. But he doesn't really care if we are, he just likes to make a scene in front of everyone so they can see and watch.

"I feel like you do this for no reason, just to hurt innocent guys. When clearly they didn't seem interested in me at all. But instead you think it's ok to attack them for just talking to me or either ask me for help with something." I said.

"Could of told me." Jungkook said.

"I did! You didn't wanna listen to me and just shoved me inside the dorm and just had sex with me as a damn punishment!" I yelled.

"Because I hated that you were flirting with him. That's clearly what you were doing with him, and yet I know you were." Jungkook said.

"I can never understand you...it seems like you can never stop your ways and yet you clearly just don't wanna understand that I'm gonna be around other people even if you don't like them or not." I said.

"I don't give a damn! You should stop being around them for good, I hate the way they look at you." Jungkook said.

I grabbed my phone and set it down onto the table as I covered my face and felt annoyed by him.

"I'm going to my room, I don't have time for this. You are stressing me out right now." I said.

"No, we aren't done talking." Jungkook said.

"Stop! I'm done with the conversation and yet you won't understand me! That's how you are, you just think I'm cheating on you when clearly I'm not, all I'm doing is group work and everything and here you come thinking I'm cheating on you? I'm not, I literally had a project to do that I have to turn in the end of this week." I said, "I'm not even cheating on you, all I'm doing is my work and helping other students out with their work and I can't do that when you keep dragging me away..."

"How the fuck can I even trust you?" Jungkook asked.

"Why are you even with me if you can't trust me?! Why?! If you can't trust me then I'm done." I said.

Jungkook grabbed my arm and pulled me close to him, he held me into his arms and yet I wasn't expecting him to do this when we start to argue with each other. He kissed my lips and made me look up at him, he looked me in the eyes.

"Baby, I know, and I know shouldn't do that. I'll prove it to you that I won't do that again, I just got too carried away with everything. I'm sorry baby, don't be too mad." Jungkook said.

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