Not In Paldea Anymore

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Naranja Academy...

A School located in Paldea, specifically in the city of Mesagoza. It was an institution dedicated to training the next generation of Pokemon trainers, well at the same time teaching them basic skills they would need like math, science, history, home ec, etc.

Naranja Academy has many bright students attending the school.

There is the student council president of Naranja Academy, Nemona. She is a champion ranked pokémon trainer who is obsessed with pokémon battling.

Then there is Arven, a home ec student who is the son of Professor Sada, the most famous Pokemon researcher in all of Paldea.

There where many bright students among the population of Naranja Academy, but if there was one that stood out it would have to be Jaune Arc.

Jaune was a bit of a special case, considering he grew up in an orphanage most of his life, and was only attending the school thanks to a recommendation of Mr Manuel Clavell, the director of Naranja Academy.

The young man didn't know anything about his Origins, or even his parents. All he knew was the name that was sewn onto his onesie when he was dropped off at the orphanage... other than that there is nothing else about his past that he knows about.

Jaune is a dedicated student in the general track of Naranja Academy, and is working hard to be a skilled Pokemon trainer like his friend, Nemona. He loves Pokemon with all of his heart, and has even managed to make a rat tag team of skilled Pokemon, including Koraidon, a mysterious Pokemon he found one day when he started his first day of school.

The young Arc and his Pokemon are thickest thieves, not willing to trade another for the world. Jaune loves his Pokemon very much, and does his absolute best to take care of them as they will go to the very ends of battle just for his sake!

Currently Jaune Arc is on the treasure hunt, a special assignment that Naranja Academy holds each year. It it's basically permission from the school to explore Paldea, so that the students can soak in its Rich nature, history, cities, and the many different kinds of Pokemon that call Paldea their home.

The treasure hunt means a lot to Jaune, as he's hoping to discover more about his past, that way he can look forward to his future and find his true treasure! But little did he know that by going down this path, both he and his Pokemon would go down a path that any of them expected.

A path that would take him to a world that is similar, and yet at the same time so much different than the world he grew up in.


Somewhere in Paldea

"Crocalor, use incinerate!"ordered Jaune Arc, first year student of Naranja Academy.

Currently the young man was having a battle with another student of the academy, with the student in question using a Persian.

"Persian, use night slash!"ordered the other trainer, causing his Persian to charge towards the fire croc Pokemon.

But this proved to be a mistake as the classy cat Pokemon was struck by incinerate, knocking Persian back towards it's trainer, where it was revealed to have been knocked out!

"Persian!"shouted the student as he went to see if his pokémon was okay.

"Per..."said the classy cat Pokemon, revealing that it was okay.

"Man, Jaune. You are really strong."said the opposing trainer, before he recalled the classy cat Pokemon back to its pokeball.

"Nah! But I'll get there eventually and take on Nemona in a serious 6 on 6 battle."said Jaune, playing off his victory as he knew better than to get a big ego.

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