Chapter 60 (Part - 2): Room 267!

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{Little bit of a spoiler for this one but I can't type nor speak Japanese so all speech in Japanese will be typed... like this... Cool? Great, enjoy!}


Logan's feeling actually pretty refreshed even after dealing with Gionna and Mandy for the past hour or so, it's not unusual, you kind of build a tolerance for this sort of thing doing this job, he was happy to knock on the door he was told to go to, Stephanie sent the room numbers to him by text this time though, he's not sure why but she did and since the girls came to him for the first task, he skipped that number because it'll be empty, it was supposed to be a room on this floor, Room 261 but instead they fucked in his room, Room 248.

Logan made sure he had the right room number because he brought his phone with him, then knocked on it, he waited for a response but he didn't get one, he's not sure why so he knocked again, this time a little harder then before which made the door unclick and open, they must have left the door open for him, either that or he just broke a pretty shit lock.

Logan: Ello? Room services.

He's not sure why he said that but he did, it felt right to say at that point, but he still didn't get a response, so he walked in a little more then that's when he heard the shower going and it clicked that whoever is in this room, is either not expecting him and he's just broke into a random persons room, or their taking a shower ready for his visit, not obviously expecting him to be on time, it's understandable, Logan's not all that great at time keeping. 

Curiosity got the best of Logan and he peaked his head into the door, if it's someone he doesn't know, then he can leave the room without another word and no one needs to dubbed a pervert, which of course he is but he didn't need that to be public right now for obvious reasons, luckily he did have the right room, because he saw Iyo Sky standing in the shower, not even realising he's there right now.

Logan relaxed a little now knowing he got the right room, in his defence all the rooms he's gone to so far on this weird fuck thing Steph has made, the girls have either met him at the door, or on the bed so when she did neither, he got worried he was about to give a innocent women a heart attack, however, he hasn't and is looking forward to this, Duncan has 2 out of 3 of Damage Control, maybe the WWE Women's Champion is his to take.

Logan: You know, it's very dangerous to leave your door unlocked...

Logan's voice made her jump a little but once she saw him, standing there, leaning against the door frame, only wearing a pair of shorts, she was pretty sure he was supposed to be wearing a mask, at least the other guys she's been with have been, Logan's not like the other guys though, she'll realise that pretty quickly.

Logan: ... Anyone can just walk in...

Iyo watched him walk towards the shower, dropping his shorts as he did, then opened the door and stepped in, Iyo didn't move and just looked him up and down a little, Logan did the same for her as they stood pretty much toe to toe, the hot water washing over them both, mainly hitting Logan and bouncing onto her smaller frame.

Iyo: Your bigger then I expected.

She spoke in her native tongue of Japanese, she's done that to a few guys and girls around the WWE and it's quite funny for her to watch them try to understand what she said, most just agree and move on but not Logan, he actually surprised her by responding in the same language she spoke.

Logan: And you look better naked. 

Iyo didn't expect him to respond in Japanese, she's used to talking to Asuka in her native tongue but not someone born rich and from England, that caught her off guard a little, it honestly turned her on a little, you know that funny tingly feeling you get in the back of your stomach, it gave her that feeling.

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