So when we come back,
you need to be gone

because next time
I won't call them off.

Consider this a warning, Marcel.

It's the only one
you're gonna get.

This is a city of death.

Fires, floods,

to say nothing of the violence
we do to each other.

We may laissez
les bon temps rouler,

but really we've turned life
into one big party

to distract ourselves
from a single unavoidable truth.

We're all going to die.

Is that what you're afraid of?

Who says I'm afraid of anything?

Cami, we've been meeting
like this for weeks now,

and you're still dodging
my questions.

Now how do you expect
your patients

to open up to you when you
won't open up yourself?

I'm open.

What do you want me
to be open about...

My dead uncle, my dead brother?

How about the living?

I mean, you're
highly intelligent,

you are charming,
and you're beautiful.

I mean, surely you must
have friends, boyfriends.

You really mean to tell
me that there's no one

that warrants discussion here.

I'm attracted
to the wrong kind of guy.

I know.
Tale as old as time.

Well, Cami, that's your tale,

and part of
the therapeutic process

is in the telling of it.

There was this one guy.

Smart, loyal, abs for days,
but I was his rebound girl,

if I'm gonna be
honest with myself,

and he was also...
Well, unique in ways

that mean I should
probably stay away from him.

- Unique?
- Just trust me on this one.

We're not compatible.

Now you said one guy.

Am I to assume
that there are more?

There was this other guy.

Also unique.

I mean, nothing ever
happened between us.

He just got
under my skin, I guess.

Manipulative mother,
abusive father,

and under all that anger
and mistrust and cruelty,

there was goodness in him, and
no matter how much I tried,

I couldn't pretend
it wasn't there.

You cared for him.

You wanted to save him.

So... what happened?

Some people don't want
to be saved.

Brother! Niklaus!

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