Live and let die

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Davina takes Mikael to a cabin to heal from his wolf bites. Klaus searches for them. Elijah, Marcel and Hayley try to rescue some young wolves.

Previously on "The Originals"...

This town was my home once.
I want it back.

We should have known
our mother would not

be bound by anything
as obvious as death.


I have come to heal our family.

For you, I will undo everything

that has been done,
thereby giving you a new life.

You mean, you don't
recognize me?

It's been a long time, Finn.

Well, there's no way
Kol would listen

to anything other than his ego.

And even the wildest
us of Mikaelsons

has seen the error of his ways.

- I'm Kaleb.
- Davina.


- You filthy dogs.
- It can't be.

- Hello, son.
- Father!

How do you expect to show
them the error of their ways?

Perhaps it's time to
turn our attention

to the outskirts
of our beautiful home.

Pay up.

Any prospects?

Well, since you asked,
yeah, there's this one guy.

I mean, we've only
been messaging so far,

but I think I like him.

Like, really like him.

- So what's the problem?
- Oh, I don't know.

Might have left a few things
out of the old profile.

For example, what's
got two thumbs

and drinks blood to survive

oh, right. This guy.

What the hell is
wrong with you people?

We didn't do anything.

This nothing your kind
hasn't done to us.

Learn your history.

I don't know
who the hell you are.

We had a deal.

Vampires stay out of the
quarter, everybody's cool.

That's not good enough anymore.

Oh, yeah?
Says who? You,

or that witch you
all answer to now.

Lenore, right?

Never thought I'd see the day...

Proud werewolves
on a witch's leash.

I hope those rings you're
wearing are worth it.



That's enough.

Your privileges here have
been revoked permanently.

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