Chapter 8

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Harry and Draco were sitting next to each other in a DADA class with the Slytherins and Gryffindors. It was an interesting class, watching how they all reacted with each other. James and Sirius were staring daggers at Harry and Draco, Peter was nervously staring at his book, and Remus wasn't there, which didn't surprise Harry, seeing as the full moon was tonight, and Remus had to prepare. They learned the Patronus charm, which Harry was the first to get correct, leaving Draco in awe, and Harry himself having to explain it to him.

"Focus on the person that means the most to you." Harry kept repeating.

Draco got so mad at him he finally replied, "I don't have anyone like that."

Harry sighed. "Okay, so think of a moment in time, one of great importance in your life, one that makes you happy." He said instead. Draco nodded and performed the spell again, this time producing a small dragon patronus.

"I didn't think I'd be able to do that," Draco admitted quietly. It was the end of the class and the last of the two boys' classes. "Come on Harry, let's go back to the dorm." He said with a soft smile, Harry just nodded meekly.

They walked through the long corridors, and down the antagonizing moving staircases in silence, finally making it back to the dungeon, where Draco says the code to let them in the Slytherin common room.

When they made it back to their dorm, Harry sighed as he sat on his bed. "What did you mean?" Harry asked and Draco gave him a questioning look.

"Earlier, you said you didn't think you'd be able to do the patronus charm. Why did you say that?" He clarified.

Draco was Reluctant to answer for a moment, but he gave in. "Death Eaters aren't supposed to have patronuses." He explained. "Apparently we're all monsters, who don't have nice enough memories or emotions to produce one." He added with a soft smile.

"You're not a monster, Draco, you never were." Harry said, moving closer to him. "You didn't have a choice, I know you didn't." He pulled Draco into a hug. "I know you're not a monster," he repeats, "and you never will be."

Draco stayed silent, but after a few seconds, hugged Harry too, liking the physical contact.

"Harry, we have to work on a plan," Draco reminded him.

"A plan?" Harry asked, his brain short-circuiting by the fact that he was hugging Draco Malfoy, his enemy, his crush.

"To stop both wars." Just then the door opened and revealed Regulus Black.

"I want to help." Regulus looked like a disaster, he looked as if he hadn't slept days, huge circles under his eyes. His hair was a mess and he looked — for some reason — terrified.

Draco noticed it too, because he let go of Harry and closed the door after letting Regulus all the way in.

"Regulus, what happened to you?" He asked in a soft tone, one that Harry has never heard come out of his pretty mouth.

"I– It's nothing." He answers, cutting himself off. "I just haven't been sleeping."

"It's the dark mark, isn't it?" Harry said after a moment. "Sirius told me that the Imperius Curse was involved in your marking, because you tried to refuse. Was he right?"

Regulus looked like he couldn't talk for a moment, so instead he just nodded yes to Harry's question.

"Regulus, you'll be okay, it gets better. The pain, the sleepless nights, being terrified to go home, it'll pass. At least until he asks something of you." Draco says calmly.

Harry never thought about what the process of the dark mark required, the pain they had to endure, of course he watched as Peter Pettigrew renewed his mark, but it may not be the same thing. Harry was standing in a room with two very strong, brave people, and he just realized it.

"How would you-" Regulus started, but went quiet when Draco lifted his sleeve to reveal the mark, hiding his face from them. "Oh," is all he could muster up after.

"Yeah." Draco said, pulling down his sleeve and scratching his head. "How about a drink?" He asked, and Harry frowned.

Harry sighed, "Malfoy, he's underage." He reminded Draco.

"And? We were both underage drinkers, so what's the difference?" Draco said with a shrug.

"You're 19," Harry complained. "You're supposed to be responsible."

"And you're not supposed to be an arse. Thought that was only going to be during school." Draco mumbled.

"I wasn't the arse–" Harry started but then got cut off.

"Bloody hell, can you two stop acting like a married couple and get me a drink?" Regulus said.

"A married couple?!" Both Harry and Draco said at the same time, turning their attention back to Regulus.

Regulus nodded calmly. "Yes. A married couple," he agreed. "Now for the alcohol...?"

Harry sighed and gave in, handing Regulus and Draco some firewhisky.

Draco smirked before seeming to remember why they were there. He cleared his throat before speaking, "Alright. Can we get back to work?"

"Yes, of course." Regulus said.

Harry thought for a moment before talking, his hand moving to his chin in wonder. "We have to take down the death eaters and Tom, but how ca-"

"We take them down from the inside out." Regulus interrupted. "I can-"

Draco interrupted next. "No." He said, pulling a cigarette case out of his pocket, taking one out and lighting it. "We do this together, or we don't don't at all. There is no 'I'. No one is doing this by themselves." He spoke so clearly and confidently, that it was hard for Harry to not fall in love again. This wasn't the same Draco that Harry knew. He was someone different, but somehow, the exact same. "We will formulate a plan another day," he continued. "For now, let's all get some rest." He did look tired, Harry finally noticed it.

Regulus nodded "We will talk more tomorrow, then." He said before walking out of the room.
Harry lets his shoulders sag as he watches Draco's nimble fingers handle the fag. "You should sleep." Harry said, and Draco just slowly nodded with a soft sigh.

A/N Ahh! I finally did it! I posted on this story for the first time in forever!
I'm going to try to be more frequent with this story, and I hope you continue to read it.
Thank you all for your support and patience.

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