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"Auror Potter, we have decided, you shall go back in time to hopefully save us from the wizarding war." Kingsley said, "But you won't go alone. We have asked Mr. Malfoy to accompany you, he said he would."

Harry was staring at the floor when he snapped his head up abruptly, "W-what?" he asked, not sure how to feel about this newly added information.

"Draco Malfoy shall join you on the mission to save us from what has happened. Do we need to have someone else to accompany you, Auror Potter?"

"No, he is fine to join." Harry said. Most people still think he hates Draco, but it's more than that, Harry definitely doesn't hate him. Quite the opposite really, that's where the problems come in.

"Splendid!" Said Kingsley. "You two shall leave in two days' time."

'Great me and Draco Malfoy together on a trip back in time for Merlin knows how long trying to save the wizarding world from appending doom, great really just splendid.' Harry thought whilst walking through the long corridors of the ministry. He reached his office and searched through the bookcases trying to find a book on time traveling. Eventually he finds one and starts reading it.
It says things about how time traveling can alter time which is dangerous, and he guesses that's why they have to do it, they need to alter time. No matter how dangerous, him and Malfoy can save lives, many lives. That feels weird to say, him and Malfoy can save lives.

Malfoy wouldn't want to do this, not out of free will at least. It bugged him for a while so he decided, he'll ask Malfoy when he sees him. Harry continues to read about time traveling, and time turners. Eventually it's time for him to leave the ministry, one of his last nights home.

"I want you to go," Mother was saying as she read the letter sent from the ministry while we're eating dinner, "it's a great opportunity to restore our family name."
"Of course! That's all you bloody care about, for Merlin's sake Mum, you don't care if I am risking my life as long as it restores your bloody reputation as a wizard!"  Draco scoffed.
"It's not just my reputation! It's yours, and your fathers, and someday your kids. Draco do you really want your kids to have to live in poverty because you made the wrong choice now?" She asked.
"Oh, okay so I was the one who made the wrong choice, not you, not Father, but me, because I was forced. You made the choice to put your son in poverty by forcing him to get the mark, but it's still his fault that his family's name was ruined. Right, I see how it works," He leaned in closer. "And you know what, I will indeed restore the Malfoy name, but let's make one thing clear, your precious family line will not be continued." With that said he left the table and went up to his room to contemplate over what happened.
Had he really agreed to this. Is he really going back in time with Potter? Draco can't believe this is really happening. Is he going to do something nice? He only said it so he could get his mum off his back, but he still agreed to it. Now he has two days before this and he doesn't know how long he'll have to be there with him.

Hi everyone. This is my first time posting a story and I hope it makes sense. I will try to post every Saturday. I hope you enjoy it!

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