The Guiding Light

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The day seemed a fall afternoon, time to have a fall party. Emmanuel and Sarah invited teenagers to bring in pumpkins to decorate, using decorations from last year to put up. The The Shuene would be decorated for the fall October through November.
    Special Notice to bring fall inside and to have lots of fun. Sarah Kinner enjoyed it very much. Our kinner, oldest son, The First One, only begotten Son to hand a farmstead down too. His name is Manny Ebersole, his Braudaar Jared his sidekick, to pull him back to decisions may not be wise, but he regrets nothing for he knows ahead of time what's right from wrong, Third son Jebadia, faithful, shepherd, guards the other Kinner like a herder, tending his flock of siblings, keeping them together, never lost, our fourth yet first Dochder Annie, True to her word, sometimes guides velvet glove using an iron fist, she gets her way to be soft-spoken yet, hard on you if you do bad, you must so gut. Last Dochder, Mia, small mighty , she will scream till heard lovingly , tag along, gently reminding you to wait a slower pace to be sure footed. I am proud of my brood, Sarah thinks , gentle mother full of love for her children and Man her husband.
    Together building  together a sure footed brood, in a Godly life their Fater a Minister Emmanuel Ebersole mighty warrior for Gods people.
    When a wee babe our first one born son Mannly, for he born strong, large hands sure-footed even as he cooed at us both. Emmanuel and myself lay on a thick rug on our farm house floor , when , He looked at Sarah saying we did well both of us our love did. And Sarah blushed for women do not talk those things.
     Far away in the mountainess terrain , The black Bear family newly at love , married in Bear language mating for life . Shayla mother Bear and Aery Bear Father. Watching their cub in his crib made from a fallen log carved by our. Beaver friends just for you Magail Bear . He mirrored his big fierce Grandfather Bear , Aerys Father.
     He shall grow big , strong , mighty warrior for our God from Heaven. Today at ten years old running freely in the woods , catching fish , to fry and learning to become a doctrine of Bear sired by the best father .
Curiosity meets all ends someday our Day will come to slumber during winter. Pursuing, a promise to wake in Springtime hungry. The gift of knowledge instilled by God is true to his word. And then they shall come to Wake from hibernation there after a promise.
      Unity meets when age grows, in a time prepared by God from creation called, stages of life. To be always be growing into your shoes is quite a feat to achieve naturally, taking for granted the gift of life.
    Coming from creation, to this day it all cycles the same.  Waking up to greet each Mennonite day. I Thank God for this, and every day thereafter. For the coming of a legend is noted and shall come symbol of the Legend.
Chronicles must start from this day forward.
An account of historical events in which they may have occurred. The list from the Chronicles Genealogies, in families. From Mennonite to Bear Brethren.
                 The Fall Party
Last yet not least, the finishing touches are done, smells of hot apple cider rolling in a big pan on the stove on low. Sure to tantalize the pallet. A large pinata pumpkin shaped hung off a hook in the reckroom, filled with candy wrapped in foil, a new broom sat in the corner to hit it square on till it broke open, spilling to the floor, a nice new redwork hanky to blindfold you, as the child walks around guided by an adult-supervised to look after them.
      Tables are set up pretty, using stylish cups, glasses, and plates, and plastic silverware easy to throw away. Centerpieces pumpkin, gourd assortment. Bowls of popcorn mix, and pretzel party mix, Carmel apples. Fried chicken drumsticks, German French fries, cheese curds, steak shishkabobs, corn dogs on a stick, breaded cauliflower. Raw vegetable tray and dip.
    Soon to be started the party, young and old showed up. In costume, Nothing all out just masks homemade ones, lots of cats, dogs, cows, freckled-faced kids, ghosts, witches for fun, and fairies. Scare Crows, flowers. Grown Amishmans did not dress up too old and nonsense to comprehend.
Everyone gathered happy, Church singers sang a cake walk, passed an Orange under the chin, and sack races. Thankfully, this Shuane ( Barn). Huge really, comfortable, a town inside would someday become a reality. To a memory never to be forgotten.
Afterward, the party over, the children in bed a few of us up yet visiting, to relax finally aw feels gut. Shoes kicked off, family among friends. Sarah looking onto Emmanuel, preaching a sermon," The guiding light here tonight in our hearts I believe glowed outwardly . Sensational, inspiring feelings of hope right in this Barn. To understand it is to get the feel of it. Did you know your born with this guiding light. I promise you all listening tonight, it will guide you forever even into heaven. It gives you the road map , to where you feel right where it is . It keeps you safe of sound mind and soul, telling you right from wrong. Stops you from getting hurt or harmed.
Let us pray to ourselves bow our heads amen."
With that everyone turned in for bed, saying good night blowing out candles or oil lamps.
     Something resembling a light smokey film set out all around, rolling in, angelic music as if sent from the Heavens, while the smoke hung in the air. The Beasts in the Barn, looking out, and then ventured out to a small pasture in back.
    Big gray-colored Belgium, beautiful creatures to be Holden too. Listening, looking round them, almost mesmerizing seeing it all captured, while viewed through horse eyes. What must they be thinking inside those heads, twisted looking up, round them intrigued surely to say the least.
   Thomas Bontrager hired hand help, heard commotion yet, quietly, to see these amazing Belgium flesh, weighing in at thousands of pounds, sure-footed, almost angelic-like. All standing looking about, eyes gleaming, Angel's eyes almost do serenely standing about faced toward the billowy white, smokey sphere, music, so mesmerizing, it captured them and Thomas himself.
    Next Theodore Bontrager his Braudaar, walked out only to stand quietly beside him. No words passed between either of them, knowingly, be known, they both there. For they be speechless.
     Wonderment is taking over right at the moment in time gathered right in this spot. Thomas pulled his cell phone out videotaping the entire episode. Finally as quietly as it comes into our left, a rolled smoke-like silk, starry stream filters back up into the heavens.
Very next day sending the video to Emmanuel and Sarah. When received during a private early afternoon lunch. Which consisted of Egg casserole and sausage patties, griddle cakes, and maple syrup.
" Look, Sarah, this video outstanding just look it's forever in my sight."
" Zah Emmanuel, it is so heartfelt I'm crying. This must be the Lord coming to earth as a sphere. Lucky pennies were strewn about a shamrock in the center, leaving its hole clear through. And Thomas brought a jar half full for us, as well-wishers. Believe me, I said Danke all over the place."
They both moved from the table to the living
Seated on the couch, hugged and sat running their fingers through the Pennies. Amused at yet another wonder from our Lord once again since the Corn Cross.
   Their kinner at home school inside today, so they had some alone time. Happy times like these are much appreciated. Moving around now, they set to putting some coats on to move outside to look about.
    Since it is the beginning of November. A crispness in the air, Frost on the pumpkin vine beautiful as can be. Sarah and Emmanuel, walking about waving to everyone in sight , smiling. " God is gut they both said aloud, Danke for our Congregation living among us."
     The Couples group went along better than expected. Courting , eating out, Church sing alongs, card parties here inside The Shuene, which is our home made out of a Barn. Soon so happy, Minister Ebersole is going to hold a getting engaged event twice a month for those whom are interested.
They on even further only to find lots of kitty cats lapping up milk . All kinds , colors, shapes, sizes, purring lightly aloud so happy and content. Walking yet a little further, a pack of our well train herding dogs small shelties. Playing , practicing herding small groups of cows. Hired hands of ours practicing training, using whistles and gee haw sounds to head them off. They were doing a fantastic job.
" I am very pleased with my performance outa the Dogs amazing. I shall give them a pay increase for a job well done," Emmanuel said.
" Perfect idea Husband," Sarah said. Smiling ear to ear so I love. Laughter resounded, turned into a best medicine effect not only for us for others around us.

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