Zooks Family

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The will of things to happen as they do destiny. Are Principals caused by general things believed to have happened? Reaching far back to the bloodline of the Zooks.
Mary, Mater, And Armond, Fater married having six kinner three sons, and three dochders. Sons: Rich, Isaac, Earl, and Dochders: Angie, Marie, and Katharine. More than ever needing a place to purchase . Grosspapa sold his farmstead to Faters Uncle .
Next thing to be acquired is another Farmstead, and it was such a large property, four nice sized houses on this farmstead. Busy , buying new machinery , the old stayed in the farm they sold to Uncle Zook.
Moving along a few miles away in Fate Town, Lancaster. A Town of friendly folk.
     A beautiful farm, some hills even, a creek, Sandy beach on it. An Amish Grocery Store, needed to be stocked once more and open for business. Health Inspectors went through it and the State passed it on the wall-framed Grocery Store license, State Inspection.
     The entire Zook family was inspired by it all, the gift was what they told friends, from our Lord is this farmstead.
     Hebrews 11.1 Now Faith is the Assurance of things hoped for, assurance of things not seen.
    Armond and Mary Zook, stood beside the garden praying and worshipping their new farmstead. Holding hands and a quick kiss stood happily together. She had her Bonnet on untied for the moment, a pretty plain light blue dress to the calf, barefooted.
     " You look beautiful my Fra ( wife). The astounding lady stands there perfect in every way Maam of our kinner." The sun just came up over the horizon, peeping as if to invite us in
Our image in life on this farm.
     Rows of corn are being planted, plus soybeans. In the air a fresh smelling, dirt smell from plowing up fresh dark soil. Mater and Fater while still hand-holding meandered down to the field their sons plowing up using a stock horse and Old Order Amish Plow. The three Zook sons each had a plow, plowing. " Look what we made using our Lord's values of love Dear Husband."
    "Zah, dearest Fra, I will be proud of them too," Dat said looking down at his small beautiful Fra. He is a big man Old Order Amish.
To those who love the old-order Amish values, plain not fancy. Will enjoy life through the Zook family, come along on a journey of life
As they see it. Behaving as they do, acquainting yourself with Pennsylvania Dutch, language and lifestyles, and customs.
Welcome to Old Order Amish life.
Chapter One
The New Caller
Katherine Zook, eldest of six Kinner , twenty-six, unmarried, a broken engagement. Since moving to this Farmstead. All become to fall into place more like our home once more.
" Viel Liebe," Much love, Katherine Zook said to Clayton Ebersole, her beau," I must admit to seeing you makes me feel gut all over again. Today while putting away canned goods in our market Store, I thought of yee," she laughed blushing. Kathlern, freckled skin, Auburn-colored hair, tall, slender, a sense of humor rather bold yet fun-loving. Her light-hearted laugh and Amish Lilt, made him love her even more than he should. She had her Dats temper and Mama's gentle touch of enthusiasm.
Clayton Ebersole was tall, filled out with strong shoulders, big green eyes a strong nose, and an Amish strong shape face. Light brown curly hair, a black Smith by trade best in town.
He purchased from his Fater buying it outright from working for him on his horse farm. He is quiet, gentle, and ready for fun, yet a very hard worker. Enlove with Katherm he in his heartfelt
    Schwesters Marie and Angie Zook, upstairs in their bedroom lying on top of the made bed lounging on a Saturdaag after putting the store together.
   " How is Manny Yoder doing? Marie, Angie asked interested ." He was gut-crazy, I didn't realize how much I adored him until Pearl Schrock saw me adoring him too. Zah Gestern) Yesterday, I sees him flirting with her.  I felt embarrassed going by with Mama, we had been shopping for material in bulk for our store. Anyhows, he be flirting along to with me day before. An remembers he had asked me to go to singing at Jeb Peachys one time. We had to help pack for us to move and I turned him down."
    Angie : " Oh how mean is that, Rat, I know it not be Christian to speak so mean except between you and me I'm mad at him Schwester. "
    " Yes, den he hugged me another time after church, I had thought maybe there be a chance for us, but now I'm not so sure."
   " Well, you don't pay no attention to him next time, here, you too pretty an Amish lady to do so. Gebete,( Prayers) for gut luck."
     " Dat ask me an said did you be asked out by Manny? I say yes then the story I tell you." Dat laughed, saying there be more fish in the sea for our Marie."
     " Before I forget Angie, Wills Yoder ask about you at the library." " Really what did he say Schwester? Angie asked smiling by this time. " Does Angie date anyone special at this time? I say no. " Gut girl Marie," Angie giggled. "It's nice to have a built-in best friend as a schwester." " Zah me too Angie about you that is."
Outside sunny Spring weather is upon us, planting season full force going on. The world in Fate Village, becoming new once more, for everything is born again though shall be saved to come back each Spring. The beauty of our Lord showing Himself through his biggest glory, germination from a seed it grows food, glory be most high to be able to eat this way I'd to be fed.
Flowers, perennials, there to keep us company and in a state of beauty mind, soul, and heart in Gods, Country. Land of our birth he has made for you and me. Testimonials, of flowers becoming quite large in a certain area out and around our farmstead land.
Something had been prearranged , the sale of several trunks full of treasures never opened yet. Sat on the shipping dock tagged by estate tags to be auctioned off at a later date coming up next week.
This is from a Mennonite family Jessy Beachy, family. A big chunk of change coming out of it, three farmsteads , cattle, Belgium horses. The Kinner , some already deceased , Grandkinner passed it up. They had their own already.
Hurrying around a hustle bustling about , helped get it all ready sooner, such hard workers coming around to help . Those also from the auction house rounded up to help even.
    Soon an active crowd showed up, talking and even singing , old Mennonite tunes. Today I shall fill my pockets with antique things that had at one time come from the heart. Soul searching treasures you've finally found , captured your heart.
      Out of the thicket came machinery, older yet so well taken care of like new . Half price today till gone , including trucks , tractors iron tires only no rubber. Rubber not allowed for Mennonite Amish .
        Then , wagons, plows , already priced ahead of time no auctioneers this time. NeXT beautiful buggies in black , lights too. Today is along day prepare to eat lunch here in the farm house . Some old order Amish ladies in their eighties came to fix dinner for everyone interested.
    Chicken noodle soup thick noodles, pieces of chicken, celery, cooked carrots. Another homemade soup Wisconsin cheese , vegetables soup with roast pieces, beans, and bacon. Homemade crackers and bread, freshly churned butter.
    And lines of Amish walked through to eat and give a good will donation. For the food in a glass jar right before the dinner tray. Then your silverware, glass, plate and your soup , crackers and bread for dipping. Colas or kaffi , pink lemonade. Festive paper napkins in balloon printed.
     Marie and Angie, schwesters, walked into eat dinner, it smelled yumbly gut. " What should we choose? I will pick chicken noodle soup, chocolate shoofly pie, cola, ham salad sandwich," Maria picked setting it on a tray.
     Angie chose bean soup, homemade vegetable soup, Fried Chicken legs, and chocolate chip cookie pie, and iced tea.
And taking their tray to a nearby table to sit down to eat.
     The people watched as lots of Amish came around, saying " Hallo, Zook Girls. " We waved saying it back. Soon Wills Yoder came to sit by Marie. " Ha Ho Marie how be it this day? Marines face Lit in a smile," Gut Zah, danke, you so full of vibrancy Will." She laughed.
    Angie laughed giving him a look like, you better behave Will," I'm so glad to see you ." She looked upon him using careful eyes, protective of Marie.
    He talked about his Belgium this fine day, remembering the Hart work come along it. His family's reputation of being Hart workers. Pearl Schrock came by with her braudar Charles Schrock and passed by their table having such fun. All of a sudden, Wills tipped his straw
Hat ", See ya later Girls." The left walking away. " He must be going back to the auction to make more bids to make a purchase."
Yet instead, after throwing away his trash, left sitting as close as he could to Pearl. " Oh look, his pick of course," Angie whispered to Marie, he's not for you Lil Marie he's fickle as a pickle in baseball in between bases. Better to know beforehand, forget him."
Marie laughed with courage," I am I was sure fooled." They both finished eating and headed back outside. Their job is to help pack up, dishes, and the like after auctioned off and purchased.
They walked outside footloose and fancy-free. Sunshine into their faces, full bellies, and ready for more packing. Fortunately, for us women, lots of dishes to sort through and we are already thankful for that.
         " Look at the shop( beautiful) pitcher and glasses, beveled glass. In a snow-white glass, this should sell easily at the price on it," Angie said observing. " And this set of eight place settings of bone china. An this antique teapot. Some old quilts and Amish dolls  . This is so many neat and waunderbraa things amongst this charming array of antiques," They both said talking as they unpacked and set on tables to sell, " Nice idea ," a customer said an old order Amish lady , smiling walking with a cane.
     We put Amish art framed up on the Barn walls hung on a wire off a hook. Many groupings of them, so they are very pretty. Already one sold, and Angie wrapped it up to go home with the buyer. It had been a painting of a huddled group of Amish women old order Amish.
     The customer is an Englisher, so happy with their purchase. Loading it in a van leaving to go back home. Lots of wrought iron skillets, and large wooden spoons. Table clothes in various colors, and patterns, embroidery on others beautiful handwork. "I am having such fun ", Angie, Marie said.
       They both hugged right then, laughing, Fater found them and came by them to visit. " Food gut Dochders? I just ate and Mater excellent food ." They agreed with him ." Where's Mater? Marie and Angie said gleefully. "I'm right next to you, for I'm helping you," Mater said so happy, and contrite.
     " Let the fun begin," Both girls said smiling.
Suddenly another box was set down in front of them to open and put around on tables. To begin with, clothe embroidered napkins. " Oh lovely," Mater said. " And look some nightgowns in light blue, I shall buy some for us girls," she said. She handed them over to fater and he walked over to pay for them, the girl bagged them up and he walked out of the barn to sit in his buggy.
    Then a beautiful Amishman built a dining set. " Oh, how lovely," the Amish ladies all crooned.
" I would like this dining room set for my hope chest. Angie told Mater and Marie. They agreed it was sure a beautiful piece. Rich, Isaac and Earl, Angie, Katherine, and Marie. All related Braudars and schwesters. One big happy Mennonite family.

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