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The Delinquents

Jasper: so am i really high or are Finn and Echo making out rn?
Harper: ...umm you're not high
Jasper: well im still high
Jasper: but wtf?!?
Octavia: they are what?!?
Octavia: oh EW EW
Octavia: i fucking told y'all having Echo here was a bad idea
Octavia: get these mfs away from here
Octavia: where's Bellamy??
Lincoln: Tavia, calm down
Octavia: i can't

Private chat between Octavia and Bellamy

O: Bellamy?
O: Bellamy??
O: Bellamy???
Bell: Jesus, O
Bell: What?
O: why does your girlfriend have Finn's tongue down her throat??
Bell: Sorry, what?!
O: where tf are you?
Bell: Octavia, what are you saying?
O: Echo and Finn and having a make out session
O: and they're not shy about it
Bell: Okay...So?
Bell: Echo's not my girlfriend
O: oh really, so it doesn't bother you?
Bell: No
O: Bellamy, why did you bring her here?
Bell: What do you mean
O: please stop playing dumb with me
O: what are you doing, Bell?
O: you've been acting weird lately
O: i mean ever since you started talking to her again, you haven't been yourself
Bell: Honestly O, i don't wanna do this today
O: Bellamy im being serious
O: why did you invite her?
Bell: Look i don't know, okay?!
Bell: I don't know what I'm doing
O: bell...talk to me, whats going on?
Bell: Nothing, everything is fine
O: bellamy please...

Private chat between Octavia and Clarke

Tav: Clarke? can i ask you a favor?
Tav: also, sorry if im interrupting but this is important
Tav: it's about Bell
Griffin: what's going on?
Tav: have you noticed that he's been acting a little weird lately?
Griffin: mhh maybe
Griffin: weird how?
Tav: he's so...distant
Tav: he gets out of hanging out with us
Tav: he barely even talks to me anymore
Tav: something's going on, and im really worried
Griffin: you're not wrong
Griffin: do you think it's because he's been talking to Echo again?
Tav: well that's the thing
Tav: it feels like hanging out with her is his excuse
Tav: but i just have this feeling that this is about something else, somthing bigger
Tav: also Echo is such a bitch ughh i hate her
Griffin: i know ew i just saw in the gc
Tav: ...where are you rn?
Griffin: not important
Griffin: what's the favor
Tav:🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️ we'll get back to you soon don't think you can get out of this
Tav: but Clarke, bell won't talk to me about it
Tav: i really want him to have someone to talk to but i don't think he wants me to be this person
Tav: and you're his best friend so...could you talk to him?
Tav: not necessarily now because i know everyone's busy but, soon?
Griffin: of course
Griffin: im sorry that i didn't notice something was up, i should have
Grffin: you're a good sister, Octavia!
Tav: it's okay Clarkey, you have your own life to worry about and i know you got caught up in daydreaming lately because of- someone🤭
Tav: so you really don't need to apologize
Griffin: what i-
Griffin: gonna ignore that
Griffin: i'll talk to him
Tav: thank you ilyy
Griffin: love you too

The Delinquents

Clarke: what?!?
Bellamy: She did what?!
Lincoln: i couldn't stop her
Murphy: damn, well done little Blake
Bellamy: Murphy no wtf don't encourage her!
Murphy: why not? they deserve it
Octavia: exactly my thoughts
Bellamy: O you gotta apologize, now!
Octavia: absolutely not
Bellamy: Octavia I am being serious, apologize right now
Octavia: why should i?!
Octavia: did Echo apologize when she broke your heart and left us to pick up the pieces??
Octavia: did Finn genuinely apologize when he cheated on Raven with two different chicks???
Bellamy: This is not the point
Octavia: no it's exactly the point
Octavia: so why should i apologize for doing something that they both deserve, huh?!
Bellamy: Because, O!
Octavia: no really tell me. why?
Bellamy: Because you're better then them!!
Bellamy: Because they don't deserve any more of your attention Octavia, and you're better than they could ever be!
Bellamy: So please, stop
Octavia: ...than why are you giving Echo all of your attention lately
Octavia: she doesn't deserve you
Octavia: and more importantly, you deserve better
Octavia: i need you to start believing this, Bell!! Octavia: you. deserve. better.
Bellamy: Whatever, O
Murphy: i agree with little Blake
Clarke: Octavia's right, you deserve to be happy
Harper: yes, and you are worthy enough for happiness!
Octavia: you are worth so much more
Octavia: bell?
Octavia: and there he goes again...


Anya: y'all saw Echo and that boy get punched?
Gaia: yup, i think we all saw
Niylah: Octavia is so badass
Lexa: unfortunately i missed that, wish i had seen it :/
Anya: do you really tho?
Lexa: yes i love seeing assholes get punched
Lincoln: i think you'd even rather do the punching
Lexa: guilty
Anya: do you know the guy?
Lexa: not really, well not personally but i know enough about him to know he's an asshole
Lincoln: he's Raven's ex
Anya: interesting
Anya: and what is he doing here?
Lincoln: like Lexa said, he's an asshole
Gaia: well at least we can say something happened at our party
Gaia: no offense but it was getting a bit boring and this just elevated it
Anya: you're not wrong
Luna: wait, who punched Finn?
Anya: well hello you
Anya: how do you even know his name
Anya: and also, where are you?
Luna: why do you care
Luna: answer my question
Lincoln: Octavia punched him
Lincoln: i tried to stop her but that girl is strong
Lexa: she's savage
Lincoln: careful now
Lexa: that was a compliment, Linc
Lincoln: ...right, i forgot who i was talking to

The Delinquents

Raven: what the fuck Octavia?!
Raven: i thought i told y'all that getting in any fight with Finn was not worth your time
Octavia: yes you did but listen
Octavia: it's not a fight, just a one-way punch; my fist in his face
Raven: still
Raven: you know damn well Finn isn't gonna let it go until he gets his « revenge »
Raven: why would you put yourself in that position?!
Harper: i think she'll be okay, Raven
Raven: no im serious! Finn is not worth any of your time
Octavia: chill Ray, that fucker doesn't scare me
Raven: but i don't think you get it
Raven: he won't stop until he gets what he wants
Monty: which is?
Raven: well i don't know
Octavia: wow so scary
Raven: i don't know, but it can't be any good
Raven: so please just stay far away from him
Jasper: he's the one that came to the party
Raven: yes i know that but it's because he just wanted to get to me
Raven: and im not gonna let you guys put on with his shit
Octavia: what are you so scared of, Raven?
Raven: im not scared, im pissed
Raven: and i don't want my friends to face the consequences of my decisions
Clarke: i get that but Ray, this is not your fault
Clarke: Finn is not your responsibility
Raven: it kind of is tho, you wouldn't have known him if it weren't for me
Murphy: oh hell no Raven you're not gonna blame yourself for that asshole's actions
Octavia: also he didn't hurt me so you have nothing to worry about
Raven: not yet, but maybe he will
Murphy: Raven, stop
Murphy: Finn's actions is not something that you have control over and none of the things he's ever done is your fault and it will never be
Clarke: Murphy's right
Clarke: we're your friends and we're here for you
Clarke: one's battle becomes everyone's battle
Raven: but it shouldn't
Clarke: no buts.
Raven: ...
Raven: im just saying, be careful O
Octavia: i always am
Bellamy: Hey not that y'all care, but Echo's really fucking mad
Jasper: well stay maddd Echoe🤣
Harper: someone take Jasper's phone away from him
Bellamy: You shouldn't have done that Octavia
Murphy: couldn't disagree more, good job O
Bellamy: Shut up Murphy, my sister had no right to harass her
Clarke: i think « harass » is a little exaggerated
Murphy: a little?! she barely touched her
Murphy: if it were me i would've hit 10 times harder
Murphy: but i don't hit women
Bellamy: That's enough, John
Octavia: sure Bell, go ahead and defend her
Bellamy: Anyways, I'm taking her home
Octavia: of course you are
Octavia: well this party's over anyway, im done
Jasper: whattt already?! whyyy
Jasper: guys come backkkk :(((
Jasper: ...well


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