Chuuya sighed as he sat down at the desk that had once belonged to the woman he loved. First Y/n had left and then Dazai soon after. The world before him now belong to him alone.


The Agency was underground, hiding from the chaos descending from both the Mafia and Guild at once. Y/n and Kunikida were furiously designing new plans of attack and escape when Dazai's voice cut clear through the chatter.

"Someone is coming and... Y/n, you'll want to see this."

"Oooh, it must be bad if he's calling me over." Y/n jokingly said to Kunikida who smiled as he wrote something down.

"Just don't let whatever it is take too long, I need her help with this." he responded, loud enough so Dazai could hear.

Y/n laughed lightly as she stood and made her way over to the taller man who was crouched over the security cameras.

"What is it?" she asked casually, hands in her pockets.

Dazai looked up to meet her gaze and Y/n couldn't help but notice the genuine concern in his eyes.


"Just look."

He stepped out of the way, making room for Y/n by the monitor.

"If this is some sort of prank." she sighed, stepping up beside him.

Dazai shook his head and with a sigh, she turned to look at the screen. Y/n's breath audibly caught in her throat as she saw an all to familiar figure taking out the other cameras.

"It's a Mafia member sent to kill the president." Rampo called from across the room. 

"I'll take care of him!" Kenji exclaimed excitedly, jumping off the desk he'd been sitting on. 

"I'll go too" Yosano began to say but she was quickly cut off by Y/n. 

"No." she said, clearly and coldly, "No, you guys stay here. I'll handle this one."

The rooms occupants turned in surprise and watched as she made her way to the door, Dazai trailed behind her.

"Are you okay?" he asked as she placed her hand onto the knob.

Y/n scoffed slightly, and everyone listening could feel the tension between the two ex mafiosos in that moment.

"I thought I had to sell my soul to the night for this." she said, her voice sharp as a knife, "Turns out I'll only have to risk my life."

With that, she was gone.

The Agency watched, crowded around the monitor as the Mafia member destroying their security system continued his work.

"Wow, he's strong." Kenji commented, "Are you sure Y/n will be okay?"

"Y/n has a strong ability too, don't worry Kenji." Tanazaki said, trying to assuage the younger boy's worries. 

"She'll be fine... won't she?" Kunikida turned to Dazai who just continued to watch the monitor as Y/n came into view.

"Chuuya." she said calmly and, to everyone's amazement, the man immediately ceased in his actions. 

"What..?" he turned around to face her.

"Been a long time."

"Really? That's what you're going to say?" Dazai mumbled under his breath. 

"Who is that man? Do they know each other?" Kenji asked and his question hung thick in the air.

"A long time?" Chuuya exclaimed, slowly beginning to walk towards Y/n who stood her ground as the anger filtered into his voice, "Been a long fucking time!?"

The Land is Inhospitable and so are We (Chuuya x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now