And all of the questions had been about the statement Daphne had made in court. A statement pertaining to knowledge that she had no way of knowing.

Knowledge that was known to only a handful of people in the entire world.

"She even knew about RAB! The only people who know about that are you, me, and Sirius." Harry said with a shaky voice, as he became still and began to look around as he passed a hand through his hair.

The truth was that the same questions had been plaguing her mind. And the words from Daphne's opening statements rang in her head, filling her head with creeping doubt. And as she stood there leaning against the Wall in the ministry those same words ran on repeat in her head.

And as the implication behind those words, began to dawn on her, she felt her stomach twist in anger and pain. And suddenly she recalled something. Something very important.

"Harry," she called him out and his head snapped towards her, she felt her throat dry as she slowly spoke.

"Harry, there is one more person who knew about this all," she said and saw Harry frown as he shook his head.

"No, the only people who know about both Severus and Regulus's betrayal were you, me, and Sirius..." and he suddenly stopped as he reached the same conclusion as her. His face paled, and his eyes widened as they both whispered the name of the person they were thinking about.


And the implication behind those words was heartbreaking. Had he really done it, forced a student to become a double agent for him? Pushed a child into Voldemort's clutches.

"It cannot be....." Harry said in a dazed tone, yet Hermione had always found it rather suspicious that Crovus had somehow managed to kill the man two full-fledged Dark Lords had failed to kill.

"We have to talk to him," he said as he turned to face her, and she nodded.

"I will write to McGonagall, tell her that we are coming to the school to see his portrait," she said and Harry nodded, his eyes still a bit dazed.

"Could he have done it? Could all she said really be true, that he was indeed a double agent?" Harry suddenly asked her, and she couldn't say no with certainty.

She couldn't.



Crovus found himself sitting in the courtroom once more, as the proceedings resumed on the second day. The courtroom was filled again, and the reporters were littered across the room, his eyes skimmed the crowd and he didn't miss the absence of the two recent heroes of Great Britain. Though his eyes caught onto a shade of very familiar red hair, the person's face though was hidden behind a mask, their eyes invisible as they wore a hat, making it difficult to even see who they were.

There was a bit of ruckus as Amelia Bones, the minister walked in, and the whole chamber stood up and then sat down with her.

"Alright, let the proceedings begin," she said and Daphne stood up and walked to the center of the room and gave him a reassuring nod before she slowly began. Though the prosecution usually went first in cases, she had already submitted a motion accepting their allegations, giving Percy Weasley no chance to present his evidence in the usual manner.

"The British Isles were embroiled in a war for four years. We struggled as a madman tried to destroy our very way of life," she began and the whole crowd hung at her words.

"He was not alone, there were several among us who supported him in his rise, and followed him willingly as he ripped our very society apart. Though the truth is that the war never truly began in 1995. No, it began years earlier," she said and turned to face him and suddenly asked him a question.

HP: The Last Death Eater Trial (OC son of Bellatrix)Where stories live. Discover now