Chapter 8- The Puppy Switches Sides

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Inside the gymnasium, the members of Hinata's harem sit on their knees in deafening silence as Hinata glares at them. None of them move, too frightened by the eye- daggers their precious tangerine is slicing them with. (Serves you all right!!)
"...Aone. Koganegawa." The Dateko members stiffen at the sound of their names. Hinata's voice drips with anger. "Care to explain your actions against Kageyama earlier today?"
"W-well... W-we were upset ab-bout our l-loss-"
"What loss, Koganegawa? Dateko beat Johzenji, didn't you?"
Hinata's suddenly sickly sweet voice interrupts Kogane's lie. Crap!! Kogane sweats nervously, scared at the thought of Hinata being even angrier with him.
"First, you guys harass Kageyama via texting." The kneeling volleyball players look up in shock. "Don't act so surprised. Suna and Miya texted through that groupchat immediately after the practice match against them. They didn't check to make sure I or someone else wasn't nearby."
Atsumu and Suna freeze, realizing that Hinata caught them red-handed. The members around them secretly glare at the two foxes for blowing their cover.
"Then, those two attack him physically, severely injuring him!" Hinata's voice grows louder as his anger begins to boil over. Kogane and Aone shrink back from Hinata's accusing finger.
"And now you have the audacity to lie to me!! What is wrong with all of you!! The only person kneeling in front of me that doesn't have some sort of grudge against Kageyama is Inouka!" Hinata screams at the kneeling volleyball players in front of him. His anger spills out as he remembers the pain they put the young setter through.
"W-what...?" Inouka looks at his teammates in horror at the information the tangerine spoke of. He scoots away from Kuroo, the person who is sitting closest to him. Tears slowly start to stream down his face as he comes to terms with reality. His teammates, his Captain, have been bullying and harassing another student.
"Why...? Why would you do that!?" He screams at his teammates, tears still falling down his face. "What could Kageyama have possibly done to make you guys hurt him!?"
"Inuoka! Settle down. I know why." Inouka turns to look at the tangerine. The puppy's eyes look at Hinata, pleading that there is a misunderstanding, or an actual good reason for this. Hinata sighs before pulling out his phone.
"Here, Inouka. This has all the screenshots from the group chat they created to harass Kageyama. They were jealous of my close relationship with him." Hinata explains, his voice soft compared to earlier that hour. Inouka shakily reaches for the phone and looks through the messages, his heart breaking each time he sees one of his teammates harassing Karasuno's setter.
Enraged, he walks over to Kuroo. He shoves the phone into his face, showing a series of texts the rooster had sent. "Explain to me how this is good sportsmanship, Captain." Kuroo flinches at the venomous tone in Inouka's voice. "Why, Kuroo? How could do something so vile? Please!" Inouka cries out, trying to convince himself that his captain is not the same as the vile person behind the messages.
Kuroo says nothing, his face hidden by his hair. Inouka backs away before turning to Kenma, who flinches at the puffy red of eyes of his kouhai. "What about you, Kenma!? Why are you doing this!?" The setter doesn't reply, further angering the first year in front of him.
"I-Inuoka... c-calm down..." Lev shuts up when Inouka turns to him.
"Excuse me? EXCUSE ME??!! CALM DOWN!?" Lev scoots away from Inouka's outburst, and the other two Nekoma players look up in shock and fear.
"You guys can't be serious. Kuroo, you always said that harassing others would not be tolerated on the team or to other teams, regardless of the reason." Kuroo looks away, unable to meet the eyes of Nekoma's puppy.
"Kenma, you were always bullied online. It left you crying for hours, even days, at a time." Kenma freezes as Inouka speaks.
"And you Lev," Lev flinches at Inuoka's harsh tone. The younger first has never acted like this before. "How could you bully him? You're a member of our anti-bullying club! Your going against everything your club stands for!"
The three Nekoma players look at the ground. They couldn't stand seeing their youngest player crying and screaming at them. With each word that falls out of Inuoka's mouth, their hearts sink further into the pits of their stomachs. Partly because they're being scolded by the puppy of their team, and partly because Hinata doesn't defend, opting to remain silent.
Once Inuoka calms down, he turns away from his teammates and walks over to Hinata. Hinata hugs the younger boy, who sobs into his shoulder, ashamed of his teammates actions. Inuoka straightens up and wipes his eyes.
"C-could I... visit Kageyama?" He asks hesitantly, fearing that Kageyama would not like him because of the actions of his teammates. Hinata gives him a soft smile and nods his head, moving aside so Inuoka could leave.
Inouka  quickly dashes out of the gym. He runs through the halls of his school, eager to apologize to the hurt teenager that resides in the nurse's office. As he approaches, he slows down, panting slightly as he knocks on the door. Suga opens the door, and lets him in with a smile.
Inuoka walks to see the Karasuno team minus Tsukishima and Hinata in the nurse's office. Kageyama, covered in bandages, sleeps peacefully on a bed with a dragon next to him. His body is no longer that of a 12-year-old, but his present 15-year-old self.
"Inuoka? Are you okay? You look like you've been crying." Daichi walks over and places his hand on the younger's shoulder. Inuoka looks down at the floor.
"...I'm sorry... I never knew they were hurting him. I didn't realize how obsessed they were over Hinata..." He whispers, but Daichi hears him and pats him on the shoulder in assurance.
"It's okay, Inuoka. We all looked through the messages, we know you weren't a part of the harassing. Thank you for remaining friendly with Kageyama." Asahi reassures the puppy. Inuoka smiles at Karasuno's third years. He takes a deep breath and walks over to the unconscious setter, gently holding his hand.
"I'm so sorry, Kageyama. I'm sorry that my teammates have been so horrible and degrading towards you. But it won't happen again. I will stop them. I'll tell the rest of my team, especially Yaku-san. I'll protect you, that is a promise."
Newest member of Kageyama's murder: Inuoka So

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