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Ok, first off. Thank you so much for reading this book. I don't have a set schedule with updating yet.

Alright, now. Some keys for the future:
Bold letters for describing pictures/videos if I don't find a picture
Italic letters are for thoughts
If you guys have any ideas for different nicknames for people, I'm all ears

Third order of business, I would like your opinions on what breed of dog Kageyama should get:

Border collie

Shiba inu



Australian Shepherd

Great Pyrenees

Any other dog breed/other animals are welcome here

Next! You guys have probably learned I'm having the members of Hinata's harem slowly navigate and join Kageyama's harem. So, I'm moving onto Kindaichi, Kunimi, Oikawa, and Iwaizumi plan to have them become jealous as people from Kageyama's harem replace them. So..... voting time!!

To replace Oikawa as Kageyama's favorite setter:  we have Moniwa (no one else in his harem were setters. If you have any suggestions, I'm all ears)

To replace Iwaizumi as Kageyama's favorite ace:  Hoshiumi, Aran, Yamamoto, or Futakuchi

To replace Kindaichi as one of Kageyama's best friends: It will be Inuoka (this is not a vote, just letting you readers know.)

To replace Kunimi as one of Kageyama's best friends: Yamaguchi, Hoshiumi, Osamu, tendou, Maki, Mattsun, or Komori

Lastly, I am thinking of introducing Kageyama's family and dinosaurs officially by having Karasuno or all the teams get invited to the preview opening of a park facility with the Dinosaurs, but I am open to suggestions if  any of you have a different approach.

Again, thank you for your support!!! Hopefully, I can update soon!! Until next time, my baby crows!!

Kageyama haremDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora