Our Last Day

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Engfa Pov.
I woke up next to the beautiful goddess beside me. She's an actual angel. I can't believe she's mine. I starred at her until I got a call from my mom.
"Good morning mom", I stood up from the bed, not wanting to wake my girlfriend up.
"Engfa, pack your bags and let's go",she said.
"Wait, but I could stay at Char's today", I said confused.
"Did you forget honey? We have to move to USA, it's our last day today".
It can't be...no...I fucking forgot. I knew I was gonna move to USA because my dad found a better job. I didn't know it was actually today. I didn't want to tell Char, I know she'll be devastated. Fuck.
"Mom, it can't be today. I can't leave!! I'm not even done with my school year"
"I know darling, but it's really urgent. Please come home. I'll come pick you up in 20min.
I hung up and broke into tears. What will I tell Char?! I can't...It can't be...
I went back into the room and tried to wipe my tears. I started to pack my things when I saw Char standing up.
"Good morning baby, what are you doing?", she said kissing my cheek. I tried to not look at her.
"Please don't call me that"

Charlotte Pov.
"Please don't call me that", said Engfa pushing me away from her. What happened to her?
"Babe, what do you mean? What's wrong?", I said getting sad. Maybe she was just playing around.
"Do you think I am your girlfriend?! That's not happening "babe", I was just playing with you. I just wanted to have sex with you. Nothing else"
My heart sunk in my stomach, I never felt so humiliated and devastated. How could she do this to me?!
"How could you E-Engfa? AFTER WHAT WE'VE DONE TOGETHER?!", I screamed at her. I can't believe she did this to me.
"Well, it's not my fault you're such a naive little girl", she laughed getting out my room leaving me there sobbing. I hate her so much.

10 years later

Charlotte Pov.
I closed my diary reading the last sentence. I kept the diary for me and Engfa, our journey. My diary ended with that heartbreaking sentence. I endeed hated Engfa so much. I am still heartbroken, that's why I never dated anyone else after that experience with Engfa. I knew no one could ever make me feel what Engfa did. I don't believe in love anymore and will never, I rather die single then getting hurt again.
"Charlotte honey, could you please come here?"
I put my diary down and went into the kitchen where my parents were sat at the table.
"Please sit down", said my father.
I sat down and looked at them sternly.
"Look Char, you're getting older and girls your age are already having a family"
"I know, you tell me that every day", I rolled my eyes, not wanting to listen to this bullshit again and again.
"Look, I know you won't be able to do that. We decided to arrange a marriage for you"

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