Shadybug's Backstory (Theory 1)

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This theory is less intense to what tiktok mostly talks about(That Sabine is cruel af) , My theory on this is that Sabine isn't a cruel mother and more of a Tough Love type of mother that it only started when Marinette started being Hard headed and cruel due to Chloe's bullying and the isolation she placed on herself, because she thought everyone was against her, Social Anxiety and Paranoia 😀 anywwaays let's start with the story.

Sabine: Awwh my baby girl...are you ready for school..?


Tom: Now.. Now let's calm down, You'll pop like a balloon if you keep going. Little monkeeyy *grabs Marinette and lifts her up*

Marinette: hehehe Daad stoopp hehe

Sabine: Alright you two, Be up and about, I love you both so much...

Marinette: Bye Mommy!

Tom: Bye Sweetheart..

*Store Door bell ring* (Tom and Marinette left)

In the Canon, Marinette met Chloe at 4th grade since season 1 started when she was grade 8. I'm time skipping since I don't like making scenes with bullying just angst ;>

Speaking of bullying, Chloe in this world must have been sooo cruel especially since the "Supreme" gives the miraculous to the powerful of their world meaning Chloe is closely chosen or has been chosen. But Chloe isn't the star here. all we need to know, Chloe. She's a bitch.

Quick summary: Chloe accused Marinette of stealing her phone, and even piled up more accusations on her. Which was then informed to Sabine and Tom.

Marinette (6th grade) : Mom I'm telling you! I don't wanna go to that school anymore..! Chloe's been treating me badly ever since 4th grade..! Please...

Sabine: Sweetie I'm not sure..I can believe you anymore. The school just gave you a suspension of 2 days. How about you stay in your room for awhile...

Marinette: So that's it...You believe that ponytail blonde. Over me. Your own

Tom: Marinette that not what you're mother said...

Marinette: I heard EXACTLY what she said.

Sabine is conflicted having no idea what to do [Pick ur daughter idiot]

Marinette then storms off to her room and Slams the hatchdoor of her room

The House stayed so silent that day...


This is when Marinette then changed from the emo style that seen in the movie. BUT its more slow and sudle. like first Eyeliner, Hair, then the full clothes. This isn't like most anime, the typical One Canon Event. New Identity. NOoo I like a realistic sense Anywaysss I'll showcase Sabine now

For months Marinettes' has been called constantly in the principal's office due to Ms. Blonde Idiot and with Marinette's new attitude towards her Mother. it really doesn't help with Marinette's case.

And Marinette having alot of anger towards her mother she couldn't careless if she was  right or wrong in her mother's eyes, since she will never believe her. This then created tension at home, a HUGE tension

And with that tension Sabine never knew how to start up that conversation they left off, But Marinette never wants to talk about it, like actually, talk about it. Marinette had nothing but Void filled anger towards her mother

Sabine: Marinette. We need to talk. Please...

Marinette: Mom. I said I'm fine. We talked about it didn't we. Leave me alone, geez...

Sabine: ....Marinette Dupain-cheng. I said we need to talk now.

Marinette:.... *she turns back around* Yes mother...?

Sabine: ...! N-nothing... Nevermind.

Marinette: Thank. you.

Marinette proceeds to go back upstairs to her room


Grade 8 Marinette, Season 1 of the Canon Series. The Beginning of the school year. 4 years of torture from Chloe, another year where Marinette prays Chloe isn't in her class, but of course nope.

Marinette sits as far away to any human interaction possible, like at the Top back of the class in a corner, and Marinette found the sit to be useful, Chloe doesn't bother her as much anymore, but still a week or month she'll bother her with a big new idea to get her in the principal's office.

And besides it won't matter if she make friends this year, It's not like she'll met someone that will last a longtime...


My Opinion:
I think this theory is more probable because in shadybug/marinette's body language ESPECIALLY when she read the journal, It was more remorseful and gitty towards her mother and her friends. So she didn't turn cruel or mean. She knew she could change, if she just becomes strong and fought against Chloe, and changed herself.

And when she interacted with Ladybug's mother (her mother too) she was all anger and not scared, indicating that they have a tensed relationship.

Where Sabine mostly worries about Marinette and forgets to check on the simpler things, like saying "I love you, sweetheart" .

That's why I propose to all you readers Thatt this is Shady's Backstory :D 😆

Note: Btwww I wanna try doing the speculation in tiktok too and if you have any idea's about these two please share through pm here.

Double Note: I'm suppose to be studying pfffftt

Triple note: I'll continue this with clawnoir or anything related to this universe If boredom hits me again

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2023 ⏰

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