Chapter Fourteen: Eros

Start from the beginning

"It's fine." You're just glad you escaped those shadow or whatever those are.

Artemis, who just appeared beside you, couldn't help but express her exasperation, her voice tinged with annoyance, "Unbelievable, they're still doing it when the world is collapsing." Her piercing eyes scans the lavish courtyard, where the gods are celebrating Zeus loss of the urge to commit infidelity. Hera, his long-suffering wife, was now the life of the party, dancing and laughing as if she never knew suffering.

Dionysus, the god of wine and revelry, renowned for his exuberance, chose this moment to embrace you. His boisterous presence enveloped you as he playfully declared, "Ohhh! Celebration."

You steady yourself, patting Wine's kindness for letting you lean on her.

Dionysus encircled you with his arms, "Ohhh! Celebration," he exclaimed, another wine in his hand. Those alcohol always appear out of nowhere as if he's summoning them.

Hedylogos appears beside you. "(Name), I must depart for a moment. There's a matter I must investigate." He has to see if his siblings are in their third form like him or maybe if he's the only one drained with power.

"Alright," you respond, "you look cute, by the way." The words are delivered with a touch of playfulness.

Hedylogos responds with a wink and a mischievous smile before soaring away, leaving you momentarily bewildered.

"Wait! Not that kind of cute!" you call out, a bit flustered. "I'm not attracted to–" But your words dissipate into the divine breeze as Hedylogos departs, seemingly unfazed by your explanation. You turn to Artemis, the huntress goddess, who's giving you a teasing smirk. You protest, determined to clarify your sentiments. "Seriously, I'm not."

Artemis can't help but be amused. She reaches out to pat your head playfully. "You're an amusing mortal, (Name). I might have to keep you around."

Hermes appears in front of you with his usual impish grin, ruffling your hair. "Oh, you're back," he says with his signature charm, "and the twins are here."

Apollo greets his best friend even if it doesn't look like it, "Hermes."

Hermes, leans in, delivering a message with his trademark wit. "Oh yes, your adoring followers are sending their thoughts and prayers, my dear Apollo," he teases, extending a papyrus scroll towards the god of light.

Apollo arches an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Thoughts and prayers? What's going on?"

Hermes, never one to miss a chance for sly commentary, says, "Your cities are in turmoil, Apollo. It's more chaotic out there than the tales the Northerner's spin about how they created the Earth."

Hebe spots you and rushes to your side, her sun-kissed complexion radiating warmth, and her deep azure eyes filled with worry. "Oh, (Name)! You're back. Are you hurt? Do you need anything?" Her motherly instincts take over as she inspects you from head to toe, ensuring your well-being.

You smile, appreciating her caring nature, and reassure her, "I'm fine, Hebe. I had them." You gesture the deities behind you.

"Siblings, would you like me to serve you something?" Hebe's sweet voice addresses her siblings.

"It's alright. I need to depart; my people need me. Farewell, Ἀστέρι μου," Apollo declares, affectionately giving you a new nickname. In a flash of golden light, he was gone.

Weird, that's one of the words you can't understand... come to think of it, how can you even understand the language? You're aware that you're not from here, not just from Olympus for from this entire place. It feels so alien to you yet so familiar, you had this feeling ever since you woke up. The writings are foreign even if you understand it–

Hebe's gentle touch snapped you out of your reverie. "(Name), I want you to meet someone," she says, leading you away from the bustling party to a secluded garden where you hear a humming. "Persephone! This is the one I've been telling you about."

"Hebe has spoken highly of you, (Name)," Persephone's smile widens as she pats the rich earth beneath her like a cherished pet, a moment of intimacy between her and the very essence of the earth. It's a scene that seems fitting for a goddess so closely tied to the cycles of nature, from life to death, from spring to winter.

"My lady, pleasure to meet you," you murmur, bowing your head respectfully. You've heard of her, one of Hebe's friends, she's even in the same category as her; the kind of divine daughter who causes no drama and masterfully orchestrates the order of things, ensuring that everything runs smoothly in the background.

That is until she got married to Hades.

Persephone... Persephone... Sephone... Phone... She sounds familiar to you or does she? Maybe you're thinking about something else but that name reminds you of something important.

With a gracious nod and a soft smile, she waves her hand, dispelling the formality that had lingered in the air. "No need to treat me as if we're not equals," she says, her tone as joyful as a spring breeze. "Come, touch some grass with me." She made it sound as though the grass and soil were the most beautiful creations in this world, and for a moment, you couldn't disagree.

With a polite nod and a soft smile, you join her, settling upon the verdant carpet of grass that carpeted the earth. Persephone's deep appreciation for the natural world was infectious, and you found yourself falling under the spell of her charm.

Hebe, too, follows your lead, her usually diligent nature giving way to a rare moment of respite. The daughter of Zeus and Hera allowed herself to relax from her duties, sighing softly as she reclined upon the grass. She finds solace in the serenity of the moment.

Meanwhile, on the other side of Mount Olympus, Atë and Eris fly high above the divine revelry. Gods and goddesses reveled in their blissful ignorance, caught up in their own celebrations, oblivious to the unfolding chaos.

"Ah, just drop him, gods are durable," Atë remarks with a casual wave of her hand. Eris shrugs and drops the now baby sized god. The pair watch as Eros descended through the heavenly expanse, bound for an enchanted pond nestled amid the celestial beauty of Olympus.

Eros splashes into the crystal-clear waters, startling the delicate water nymphs who called the pond home. Their graceful figures dance and shimmer beneath the surface as they peered up in surprise at the sudden arrival of the deity.

Job is done, let's go back to C," Eris says as the duo share a knowing look before vanishing into thin air.

Amidst the divine celebration, a god's voice pierced the revelry. He holds Eros aloft, his golden hair glinting like the sun as he presents the infant deity to the gathering."Hey! I found a baby!" the god declares, a mix of awe and confusion in his voice. The other gods, including Zeus, pause in their merriment, casting curious glances at the discovery. Hera, radiant and regal, her azure eyes narrowing with suspicion, raised her voice to be heard over the crowd's murmur.

"ZEUS!" she thunders, her voice echoing with a hint of indignation, suspecting that her husband was once again indulging in his old habits and had sired yet another divine child.

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