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Each person in Fury served in the military, and when we got out; we were recruited by the Death Kings. We are their first mercenary team to replace the Dire Wolves who were bought out by them. The other teams were a bunch of kids who trained to be assassins and worked as a team. None of them have the military training behind them like we do, and the Dire Wolves did.

Finley's story is almost unbelievable. At least, it would have been in the past before our team's newest assignment was to contain the Infernal Corp filled with fabricated demons. The company that is backing the creation of the crimson elixir that created the members of Infernal Corp is Eis König International. It is the largest medical conglomerate owned by Dr. Ryder Fuchs-Jamison, also known as the Fox King, leader of the Death Kings.

Now there is Finley, but he is a different type of demon from the research I've been constructing. Finley was already part Infernal demon, so when Rory saved his life with her blood, it just brought his latent abilities to the surface.

"You're a Cambion Infernal," I tell Finley.

Finley scoffs, "So what's the difference between a Cambion and the Infernal Corp? Aren't they the same?"

I shake my head. "No pup, they aren't. Infernal Corp is manufactured from the crimson elixir, which is why that devil called them fake. Cambions are literally the offspring of demons."

It makes me wonder if maybe we are all the offspring of demons since we all have the same dreams, which include Rory.

"That makes sense, hermano, that Shane guy said I must have some demon blood already in me." I nod to him at his words.

I have always had a fascination with mythology and folklore, so I don't mind helping my friend figure out what he is now.

"Tell me about Rory. I know she is Beadu's daughter. But what's her personality?"

I'm curious about the woman since we all dream about her. We relive our past lives with this woman every night. One thing that stands out about her is that she saves us, and then we die in front of her at an early age, never making it past fifty years. Will history repeat itself once again?

"You need to spend time with her and find out what she is like for yourself. La palabra no la puede describir, mi hermano."

Words can not describe her, huh? Coming from Finley, who likes to talk a lot, that's saying something. I nod to him, and then I hunt down clothes while Fin gets comfortable on my bed.

"Change clothes," I scolded him, pointing to his ratty band tee and ripped jeans.

Finley gives a boyish grin. "Nah, estoy bien." He grabs my tv remote, turning it on. An anime show about Sengoku-era soldiers who become vampiric monsters plays in the background. It seems almost familiar to me, almost similar to what we are facing now. Strange.

I sigh, walking off to my bathroom. When I return, both Finley and Kage are on my bed. "What's wrong, K?" I asked my friend, who had a scowl on his face.

"A member of my troop backed out last minute. I have no one to replace him... unless you might want to. You have practiced with me a lot and added moves to the routine...strip with me onii-san?"

He would ask Avery, but the man has two left feet. He is pretty to look at, but clumsy unless he is fighting.

Not again. I mentally groan. I roll my eyes at him, but I know I'm going to help him out. He is right about me knowing the routine.

This will keep me from tying Fox down tonight to keep from all the pacing he will be doing. That drives me to drink. I don't see why he and Ajax can't just hang out in the crowd. I'll suggest it. The nurse and the others won't even know that they are there.

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