Chapter 7

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TW: abuse, suicide

Frida watched as Agnetha was led into the neighboring room in the hospital where one of the nurses began treating her. The police officer that was with her began asking her questions about Tomas and their relationship along with another officer, who had come into assist. Meanwhile, Frida turned back around to Björn and Christian's hospital room.

"I just saw Agnetha," Frida announced. "A police officer was with her keeping her company."

"Where is she?!" Björn asked as he immediately sat up, wanting to know how Agnetha was. "Is she ok?!"

"She's in the room next door," Frida replied. "I don't know if any of us are allowed in though. She seemed really sad."

"I just want Mama to be happy again," Christian sighed. "She really needs it. She DESERVES it."

"Agnetha would be even happier if she just left me and my husband alone!" Lena scoffed as everyone else shot her a dirty look. "What? I'm just saying the truth!"

"Well then maybe she finally gets the guts to leave Tomas and then heal and then be with a man that isn't Björn and you still get to have your husband. Both parties win at the end, but I know Agnetha and Björn are totally meant for one another," Frida replied. "I can just see it with my own eyes. I've known them longer than you have, Lena."

As everyone stayed around waiting to hear about Agnetha and for Björn and Christian to be discharged, Agnetha was being interviewed by the two police officers in the room with her. By then, the doctor had arrived as well along with a social worker.

"How long is my husband going to be in jail for?!" Agnetha exclaimed, panicking. "I need to bail him out!"

"He'll be in jail until at least Thursday when he gets to face a judge," Officer Strandberg replied. "Unless someone bails him out. His cash bond is set at 100,000 SEK."

"I'll pay that right now!" Agnetha replied, still in a panic. "Please officer! I need to bail him out or else!"

"Or else what?" Officer Larsson asked as she sat down on the bed next to Agnetha.

"He'll hurt me," Agnetha said in a low voice as she looked down at her lap.

"How will he hurt you, Agnetha?" Officer Strandberg asked. "Physically or emotionally?"

"Both," Agnetha replied. "He's a monster really and I want to file for divorce. I've really had enough of him but he can't know that."

"Why can't he know that?" Officer Strandberg asked. "Is it because he'll physically and emotionally harm you if he finds out?"

"Yes," Agnetha replied.

"Describe in detail how you two first met," Officer Strandberg replied.

"And if you find yourself getting emotional," Officer Larsson added. "We will be here to support you. Take all the time that you need."

"Ok," Agnetha replied as she took a deep breath and began to fight back tears. "It was about two and a half years ago right before my 40th birthday. A friend of ours was having a birthday party at his place near Sollentuna. I came alone to the party and I was enjoying myself, drinking, and talking to some of our friends but I was a bit shy around the people there that I didn't know and that included Tomas. I'm naturally very shy and I have always been that way and one of our friends noticed me and she called Tomas over to where we were standing and he came up to me and said 'Hello, my name is Tomas Sonnenfeld. It's such a pleasure to meet you. I've always been a big fan of yours, even before you were in ABBA. I'm honored to be standing next to a beautiful woman like you.' And I blushed and said 'Thank you,' and from there we began talking to each other more and the more we talked, the more we fell in love."

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