Chapter 6:Resolve

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Throughout the whole class I was watching Sasha like a hawk. She was just so amazing, I was interrupted when the teacher slammed the book right in front of my face and told me to pay attention, everyone laughed. I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist, some people are just annoying.


The school bell rang, nothing really happened during the day. I went into the bus and sat in the back like usual and headed home. I opened up the door with my keys and closed the door. I took off my clothes except my pants and went into the basement and hooked up the punching bag and started punching it. I was working on my techniques and practicing martial arts from videos which I saw on the web.Thanks to my enhanced abilities I was able to learn quickly and soon enough i'm gonna knock some sense into grim for being such a cocky bastard. I kept on practicing my skills and eventually the punching bag burst. I watched as the sand dropped out, I must be getting stronger already. I kept on hitting and practicing till I couldn't move my body anymore, it pained me. I eventually got tired and knocked out on the floor, fast asleep.


When I woke up my body was overloaded with pain and sores, I got up and limped to my bedroom and slept on my bed. All of a sudden I was transported to a forest of cherry trees and a woman in ice smiling at me. I barely made out her face but she seemed very beautiful, she had pink flowing hair,she was like a goddess. The ice broke and she came closer and kissed my forehead. As soon as she did that I knew that she was my mom.

I heard whisper in my ear "Zack, i'm sorry for never being there for you and always going out, the truth is that... She paused, smiled and walked off. I suddenly woke up on my bed screaming.That was one weird hell of a dream. I put on some clean clothes and went to school as normal. I sat down in my desk looking to see hunter in the front talking with a bunch of girls as they giggled and laugh I rolled my eyes in disgust. I had no time for this, class was about to start and right before the teacher came in I opened the window and jumped out, half way to the ground I remembered that we were on the second floor. "AHHHHHHH", I fell against a wall and hit the ground hard. I looked around to see if anyone saw, but no one did so I got up and walked away as if I felt no pain. It didn't hurt much as it should have, if I was normal I would have a lot of broken bones, 'phew'. I looked around and saw a few security cameras and I jumped into the bush and hid myself. I summoned 8 shurikens in my pocket, pulled them out and shot at the two cameras by the gate. The cameras busted open, as I looked around for any sign of movement, there was a security guard by the gate. I started to think hard, what can I use to get passed him. I got an idea, I wasn't sure it was gonna work but its the only thing I got. I calmed my mind and started to focus my energy into my hand, as I was concentrating a small black ball appeared into my hand. I aimed and threw the ball onto the guards face and a huge puff of smoke came out and gassed the gate area. The guard coughed and wailed agaisn't the floor, I laughed as he was flopping around the floor then I jumped over the gate and started running away from the school compound. I hopped onto my vorpal blade in the bushes, summoned my cloak and went back home.

On my way home I saw a bank robbery in progress, there were cops blocking up the area and hostages inside the building along with robbers. I hopped off my vorpal blade and went inside. A cop shouted "Look a hero has come to help us." I glanced back at them, smiled then turned to the building. I opened the door quietly and looked around no one was there, probably they're in the next room I thought. I glanced over to the side and saw and electricity box, I moved closer summoned a knife and destroyed it. All the lights shut off, thanks to my heightened senses, I was able to see in the dark, but not so much. I went into the next room quietly and heard one of the robbers screaming "Who turned off the lights, you have 10 minutes to put them back on or all these people die!" My heart began racing,I heard the footsteps of one of the robbers coming and I hid behind the desk observing him, he had an AK-47 and had on night vision goggles, I assumed he was looking for the electric box.

I ran up behind him and grabbed him in a lock position. I planted a reverse kick with one leg and I used the leg to hold his arm and used the other leg to hit him in the side of his head. He knocked out,I calmed my breath, I cant believe that actually worked, my martial arts training is paying off. I focused and made my mind empty, concentrating hard. I went into the next room, there were 3 more robbers left. I decided to lead one into the next room, I summoned a needle and threw it at his foot which poked into his clothes. He fired his gun at the door, I ran back and hid by the desk. He rushed into this room looking around the area, I ran towards him and grabbed and placed his head under my left arm and released multiple blows at his stomach using my heel. He broke free and attacks my leg and strikes my side at the same time, knocking me onto the ground. I screamed out in pain, he knows martial arts as well. I flipped backwards and summoned my gauntlets and boots. I punched him in the stomach and delivered an axe kick on his head. He fell down, I ran into the other room and charged at the next one and I grabbed onto him very closely and jams my knee deep into the his stomach. He stayed on the floor the last one came screaming shooting his gun and 4 bullets went into my arm. I ignored the pain and charged after him and rage fumed my body I unleashed a sideways elbow strike towards his head to break his neck. It failed and he flew to the ground, I pounced ontop of him and kept on punching his face over and over and over until he stopped struggling. I got up and released all the hostages and the cops arrested all the robbers,they thanked me and I went home. My arm was bleeding badly, I went into the kitchen took out some alcohol and poured it onto my wounds, it stung badly. I screamed out in pain and proceeded to take a knife and dig out all of the bullets, it hurt but I kept on digging, when I finished I wrapped up my injuries with bandages and took a nap right there on the floor.

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