Chapter 4:Suit up

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Authors note: Sorry for taking so long to bring out this chapter,kinda busy so in return i will make this long and good hopefully hehe :P.

I decided that the previous suit I made was pretty lame and just didn't have the look I was going for so I ripped it up and burnt it. All of a sudden a big black darkness came towards me and I suddenly appeared in another dark room, but this time I was on a chair. Grim was there looking at me holding a black hoodie (gonna put the costume in comments sorry bout that :P) in his hand and a mask, kinda like the one i made but it had a skull on it. He handed it to me and said "Wear this."

As I threw it over my body it disappeared and showed my regular clothes/

"Anytime you want the costume to come on just do it like how you use your weapons."He said

"Cool,does it have any special properties?" I asked.

"It's very durable and has some protection, oh and this." He held out a bastard sword and gave it to me.

"God Damn this is heavy!"

"Its called a vorpal blade, basically you can ride it"

"OMG So cool thanks can I go back now?"

"Yup." Darkness came out of his mouth and and blocked my view, as it cleared away I was back in my room still bloody and broken up from Blade and that gorilla. Grim has go to teach me that teleportation.

Now back to my first mission, killing a giant man eating wasp, just my luck. I summoned my hoodie and mask, went outside and looked out into the streets, made sure the coast was clear and hooped on my vorpal blade which floated above the houses. So awesome, New York City huh it so different from what it used to be in the old days. I looked at the street I live on which was Avon-dale meadows. It so peaceful here, I learned how to use my vorpal blade real easy. I headed to the park at full speed, on my way I looked down and saw in a dark alley a mugging in progress. I observed carefully and it was a guy, muscular build and beating up a innocent business man. I came down closer and hopped off my vorpal blade and pulled up my hood.

"Hey punk, I don't think you should be doing that unless you wanna taste a blade down your throat" I said as a sword appearing in my hand right next to his throat.

He was scared, his legs were shaking and he was sweating hard. "Look I don't want any trouble, I just want to break your face" he took out his brass knuckles and threw a punch at me, with my reflexes being enhanced his attack was slow so I caught it and snapped back his arm to his back and kicked him onto the ground. He wailed in pained as he tumbled and flew against a pole. He got up and pulled a green vial out of his pocket and drank it, suddenly his whole body got bigger at least the height of a gorilla and his muscles grew bigger and bigger. He roared and charged at me "Im gonna break all the bones in your body." I was shocked looking at this transformation he continued charging and he tackled into me and I flew into a wall.

"Hey that hurt beefcake does someone need their milky for nappy time" I taunted. He got angry again and charged one more time I dodged, skated under him and kicked him in the nuts with my iron boots.

He cried out "Mommy" and held his crotch in pain.

"Time for the jail house big guy" I summoned handcuffs and handcuffed him and tied him up against a pole and called the police. I went to the businessman and asked if he was okay he nodded and ran away, shocked by the experience.

The muscular man shouted "I will be back and I swear, arghhhhhh" He roared out in anger struggling to get out, then he started to shrink down to his normal size and the police arrived and took him away,I vanished into the shadows as they arrived. I hopped onto my blade and took off into the skies, on my way to the park I kept noticing a dark figure like if someone was watching me but i ignored it and thought it was my imagination and kept going my way. When I arrived to Barley park I hopped off my blade and my head started to fog up.

The grim reapers voice was in my head again.

"Zack, you will begin your mission now and here's a warning it spits poison from its needle" He said.

"You have got to be kidding me, anything else you'd like to just throw in there while we're here?"

My head cleared up and I saw the wasp hovering in the sky a few meters away. It was so freakin' big and it had claw like stingers on its hand and his stinger in the back was twitching. I summoned a scimitar (A scimitar is a sword with a curved blade) I charged and jumped after it and and swinged hard at it, the blade bounced off of it and flew out of my hand. It's skin was tough, how do I beat it. I got lost in my thoughts as it came at me and stabbed me in the arm with its stinger. There was the burning sensation running through my veins and spreading throughout my body, it had to be it's poison. I summoned a lance and used the last bit of my strength and threw it. It hit the wasps wings, destroying them and it screamed in pain, my head started pounding and vision became hazy and then I fell to the ground, the wasp grew to extra arms as my eyes were starting to close. I saw a female-like body standing in front of me as if she was protecting me from the wasp.

"Who are you?" I managed to breathe out. She looked at me and turned around to the wasp, snapped her fingers and just like that it bursted into flames. My body weakened even more and all I saw was her grinning at me, then everything became black as my eyes closed.

Zack:Out of timeNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ