Alya took the paper and took it to the bathroom, they all followed her. Alya filled up a bucket with water shoved the paper in the water and brought it out. 

"What the heck are you doing?" Marinette said.
"Okay, so when you do something crazy, it's fine, and if I do it's 'what the heck' Trust me Marinette.
"Okay, what are you doing?" Marinette said calmly.

"So, Marinette, this paper didn't completely lose the writing." Alya showed it to her. "So the paper was in the water for a longer time."

"Yeah, yeah...right," Tikki and Plagg said.
"Alya, you're a genius! we can now identify the water source. ," Marinette said
"Maybe, but let's now focus on the note's writing again.

They walked back to the main room and to the note.

"So the note says, 'Dear Ladybug' What else?"


"Wait, the next word looks like, 'G-A-B-E' I think you know where this is going."

"Gabriel" Marinette said grimly.

They had spent a good amount of time deciphering the first part of the letter and had also spent a good amount of time realizing that it was just greetings, well nerves do play with your mind that you forget that almost always the first part of the letter is just greetings. But, along with the reason for the writing the letter. Guess nerves were playing with Emilie too.

"Not that weird, he was her husband," Tikki said. 
"Yeah but he was also the Monarch dude," Plagg said.

Before Marinette could answer, however, her phone, which was in Alya's hands, rang, and she jumped in surprise. "What the heck is that?!" She screamed.
"Sorry! It was just an alarm I set!" She said and then paused. "Alya, it's 2:30, we gotta get outta here soon, Adrien said he would come back by 3!"
"Relax Marinette, he won't be back soon."

"So another word here is intense....



 Alya jumped again. 

"Gurl, I swear, your phone's gonna be the end of me!" She screamed handing the phone to her. "Another alarm?"

"Sorry!" Marinette checked her phone, "No it's Adrien!"

"Pick it up!" Tikki and Plagg said waking up from a nap they had for a little while.

Marinette picked up the phone. On speaker phone.

"Hi Marinette!" Adrien's cheerful voice welcomed her.
"Hi Adrien!" Marinette said genuinely happy for his call.
"Marinette I am almost home ( Marinette signaled to Alya at that word and she and the kwamis immediately set to action in clearing the evidence, the kwamis just fussing and cheering her on) so I thought I would...uh..." (Imagine that cute Adrien voice blushing in season 5).

"You don't need a reason to call me," Marinette said soothingly, which immediately put Adrien at ease. Marinette went to the other side of the room so that he couldn't hear the background rustling.

"Thank you, anyway, I do have something to tell you, so..." he wanted to talk to her about being Ladybug, but the plan seemed highly impractical, how could he just bring it up literally, 'I know you are Ladybug, BTW, I am Chat Noir, anyway good luck for patrol tonight, bye, love you!' Not possible, not to forget his mom within hearing distance.

He switched topics,
"Anyway, video call?" He asked, "We could go over career options together?"

Tikki who was listening in violently shook her head to register protest like she didn't know it herself.

Miraculous season 6:  A Ladynoir fanficWhere stories live. Discover now