The time has come Part 1

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The early morning glowed, revealing the beauty of one of the most ancient cities, Rome.
It is a city with so many memories, but one with many mysteries.

The sun raised up on the sky, signalling the beginning of the new day.

Those warm beams of light evoking the darkness in one particular hotel room.

Suddenly a phone buzzed and Cha young immediately turned it off, before she went back to her sleep.
But when the phone buzzed for some more time, she sat on the bed and picked up the call.

"Who the hell wants to interrupt my sleep?!"
She yelled through the phone

"Sunbae, it's me, Jun Woo"
She heard the voice from the other side of the call and calmed down

"Oh, good morning Jang Jun Woo"

"Is everything okay there? Did you set up safely?"
He asked in a worried tone

"Yes, I did. How's everyone there? How's Vincenzo...?"
Cha young asked hesitantly

She knew she won't last some long without hearing anything about them, so before she left, she asked if Jang Jun Woo could inform her.

"Everyone if fine, they are waiting for you...Well everyone is fine except Vincenzo"
Jun Woo answered her, but she immediately panicked

"What do you mean?! What is going on with Vincenzo?!"

"No, it's nothing that serious. He is still looking for you, and it looks like he doesn't let anyone sleep before finding you"

Cha young was speechless. She knew what Vincenzo would do for her, but it looked like she underestimated him when she thought that he would stay still for one week.

"Okay, I understand. Did you find the location?"
Cha young's voice becomes more serious

"Not yet... But i found something else.."


"There is an office. It's out of reach for people, but it looks like Felix contacts his men from there"

"Great, I am going there"

"Sunbae! You can't go alone! What if he does something to you"

"There is nothing more he could do to me... And as long as Vincenzo is there, everyone is safe"


"I am hanging up Jun Woo, we'll talk later"

And as Cha young hung up, Jun Woo was left in worry. He couldn't stop Cha young nor wanted to betray her, but he was on the edge to tell Vincenzo.
Even so, he decided to wait a little longer and see how everything goes.

Vincenzo, on the other hand, is nowhere to go back to Geumga Plaza. All day and night, he is out looking whereabouts for Cha young, not knowing she had left the country.

The tenants are now not only they were worried about Cha young but Vincenzo, too.
They tried everything to comfort Vincenzo, hoping he'll feel better knowing Cha young is going back, but...
He couldn't back off before he saw Cha young beside him.

And Cha young, who was on a different continent, hoped for the same, hoped for seeing Vincenzo again, hugging him, and kissing him.
She wanted to stay by his side, but she couldn't... Not before she finish their enemy, the one who wants to ruin their life.

And with that, though in her mind, Cha young got out of her room, promising that she would go back alive and well and hug him tightly, kissing him as if there was no tomorrow.

When it was already dawn, the people in the hotel were going back in their rooms.
Cha young was the only one still sitting in the lobby.

Soon, she left the hotel and went to a particular place.
As she reached to some abandoned room, she pushed the door, but it was locked.
She got the hair clip out of her hair and tried to unlock it.
To her luck, she succeeded and entered in.

In that small abandoned flat, there were only three rooms, but Cha young didn't know the exact room she had to enter, so she started looking around all of them.

On the first one, there was nothing, just a small wooden chair in the centre of the room, but this room was the biggest one.

The second room it was really small, and on the floor there were many kinds of ropes.

She got out of the room and finally she stood in front of the third one.
Cha young held the doorknob, her heartbeats echoing in the head.
And just when she was about to open it, her phone buzzed. She jumped out of fear and immediately answered the call.

"Sunbae, it's me. So you really went there"

"Ya Jang Jun woo, are you trying to kill me or what?! What do you want?"

"Open the third room, that's where you'll get info about Felix location"

"Okay.. Wait what? You know I am here?! How?"

"I hacked the system"

"What fast?"

"Sunbae, no time for talks. Go find what you are looking for and leave!"

"Okay, okay"

Cha young entered the room, and in front of her, there was a table where a computer was placed.
She looked around the room, and it was also a small room, one bed, a desk, and the computer.

She looked at the computer and there were too many files, some in Italian, some in English, but she found some in Korean too.
She opened one of them and started reading, but it was too coded so she could understand.
The only thing she did understand was "the time will come, and we'll meet at 19.26pm"

Jang Jun Woo broke Cha young's thoughts


"I am sorry, I had to tell him"

"What?? What are you talking about?!"

"I had to tell Vincenzo, I was scared that something would happen to you"

Flashback on
Vincenzo had just come back in the Plaza and saw Jang Jun Woo waiting for him.

"I don't have time for you"
Vincenzo walked away, leaving Jun Woo behind

"I know where Cha young is!"
Jun Woo yelled, hoping to get his attention, and he succeeded

"What are you talking about??"
Vincenzo stood next to him, his cold eyes piercing through his

"She is in Italy"


"There's no time to explain everything. She is there to find Felix before he hurts someone else she loves. I don't know much, but she might be in danger"
Jun Woo said, looking at the floor

"I know you are lying, Cha young won't do anything like that!"
Vincenzo grabbed him for his collar

"I don't care if you believe me or not, but I care for Cha young, and I know you do too"
Flashback off

"Jang Jun Woo, what the hell are you talking now?! I told you not to tell anyone!"
She shouted through the phone

"I am sorry, Sunbae, I wasn't going to let you get hurt"
Jun Woo said, in his voice, no regret

Cha young looked at the document again, and that same sentence again.

"Jang Jun Woo, tell me what time is it now?"

"In Italy... Right now, it is 19.26pm. Why?"

Jang Jun Woo didn't hear a response back. He looked at the phone, but the call ended.


Thank you for your patience, and I am sorry I couldn't publish it soon

If there are some Jeon Yeo been fans here, you know what was going on this week and why I haven't time to write

However, thanks for your support.
Knowing that someone wants to read my story makes me so happy.

I'll publish the next part soon, very soon.

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