13 ~ Missed You Minnie

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔦𝔯𝔱𝔢𝔢𝔫; 𝔐𝔦𝔰𝔰𝔢𝔡 𝔜𝔬𝔲 𝔐𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔢


"Wait, you put a bomb in your families' piano?"

Marlene looks between Sirius and I in concern.

The Hogwarts express rumbles underneath us as we pass the fields of scotland.

"A dung bomb, Marlene, a dung bomb," I say, reassuring her we didn't blow up our entire family.


Sirius smirks at his achievement, getting up to leave the compartment.

"Well ladies, I better go tell the boy's our heroic story-"

"It's not a 'heroic story' Black, you could have got you two in a lot of trouble," Lily scolds him, obviously not as thrilled as Marlene.

"Don't blame me Evans, It was Lana's idea," He points towards me and shuts the train compartment.

Lily turns to me with a shocked expression on her face.

"You are not my mother," I tell her.

She sighs, turning back to the book in her hands.

"Where is the trolley lady, I'm starving!" Alice bounces her knees.

"Alice, she doesn't come around for another hour," I laugh at her bouncing like a child.

"This is ridiculous," Alice gets up, "I'm going to find her."

The girl leaves to fulfill her raging sweet tooth, as Marlene starts up a conversation about her holiday break.

"My brother is a nightmare!" She complains

"Don't get me started," I raise an eyebrow at her.

"No mine is worse I promise you. He is this four year old demon, who steals Santa's cookies, and rips open everyone's presents but his," Marlene tells us about her little brother.

"He can't be that bad," Lily shakes her head.

"You're only saying that because your the youngest," Marlene snaps at her.

"Or maybe I'm just the favorite," Lily snaps back.

"Who's Santa?" I mutter to myself, painfully confused.


The girls and I walk in the great hall taking out usual seats.

Marlene tries to take a seat next to me but Potter comes in shoving her over.

"Thanks Potter," Marlene sneers, taking a seat next to Remus.

James rests his head on his hand and looks towards me, "Missed me, Black?"

I roll my eyes as Sirius takes a seat on the other side of me.

"Of course Jamesie! I missed you so much," He smiles at the boy, completely serious.

James just gives Sirius a look before Dumbledore clears his throat getting the attention of the Hall.

"Welcome back to Hogwarts Students! I hope you enjoyed the holidays. I know I did, Professor Sprout gave me a pair of golden snitch socks that I will cherish forever," He winks at her, making Sprout blush.

"Anyways a few start of term announcements," Dumbledore continues, "The first quidditch match of the season will be Huffelpuff versus Slytherin the 1st of March."

Students look at each other excited.

"And, wait-" The headmaster pauses, "Nope I think that's all, enjoy your feast!"

Food appears making my mouth water. I haven't had a decent meal in weeks.

I grab chicken wings, mashed potatoes, and shepherds pie.

"Woah there Black, you're going to choke," Potter laughs at my stuffed plate.

"Are you calling me fat?"

"What no I was just-"

I ignore him going back to eating my chicken.

"You know the game is coming up," Marlene tries to make conversation.

"Really I didn't know?" I say sarcastically as Dumbledore had just announced it.

"No need to get sassy, I was just wondering who you were supporting?" She shrugs.

"Slytherin of course."

"What?!" Sirius says his chicken leg falling out his hand.

"That's betrayal!" Potter adds on.

"How?" I laugh at the two, "I'm not a Puff."

"No but you're a Gryffindor!" James shouts at me, "Where the loyalty? Slytherin is our rival!"

"Maybe," I shrug, "But I root for who I think will win."

"Fair," Marlene agrees.

"Someone is showing their families colors," James grunts.

Sirius hits him in the shoulder as I turn to him, "Excuse me?"

"You heard me."

I look at him for a moment before losing my temper.

I pour what's left in my bowl of peas onto Potter's head.

Sirius gasps loudly as Remus lets out a laugh.

Retaliating James takes a handful of mashed potatoes shoving them into my face.

"That's a waste of food!" Peter shouts at us.

Clearly enjoying the mess Marlene decided to throw her shepherd's pie at Lily.

Wiping the cream off her nose Lily announces, "You bitch."

With that a full on food war erupts in the Great Hall. First, just starting at the Gryffindor table then spreading because a Gryffindor hit a Ravenclaw with an avocado.

The never ending fight seemed to be getting worse and worse, until Dumbledore shouts...


Everyone turns to the headmaster.

"Would you all go back to your dorm and clean up for bed, "The Professor says looking quite amused at the events, "Now."

Though Dumbledore seemed amused, one Professor did not.

This was proven as Professor McGonagall steps in front of me and Potter before we can leave the Great Hall.

"You two aren't going anywhere!" McGonagall scolds.

Potter and I await the rage of the gravy covered Professor.

"Never has this happened before- i'm actually confused how this even happened-"

James and I snigger.

"But!" She interrupts our fit, "It will not go unpunished. You two will spend your first night back cleaning up the Great Hall, since this was your doing."

McGonagall conjures a broom and a mop out of midair handing them to both of us.

The rest of our friends leave the Great hall, Sirius turning back to shout at McGonagall,

"Missed us, Minnie?"


Anyone who gets mashed potatoes in my hair is asking for a death wish.

just a cute filler to bring us back to Hogwarts,

- M̴K̴K̴

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2023 ⏰

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