3 ~ Home at Hogwarts

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ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔭𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔗𝔥𝔯𝔢𝔢; ℌ𝔬𝔪𝔢 𝔞𝔱 ℌ𝔬𝔤𝔴𝔞𝔯𝔱𝔰


𝔗𝔥𝔢 morning of September 1st was not as thrilling as I expected.

I can thank Sirius for that.

As punishment for not 'following' mother's rules last night I was kept from eating dinner. But if you ask me I think she just wants to shrink my waistline after what Madame Malkin said.

So now I am walking through Kings Cross desperately craving any food I can get my hands on. That trolley is looking real good right now.

One by one Cavan, Laddy, and I go through barriers 9 and 10.

Mother and Father have better things to do then see us off to school so they sent the house elf.

When we arrive on Platform 9 and 3⁄4 Cavan turns towards me. "Now remember what I told you a few days ago?"

"Listen to mother and father," I roll my eyes impatiently, wanting to get on the train.


"Don't talk to you?"

"Yes, now follow that rule," and with that he walks off towards his other 6th year friends.

"Thanks," I mutter watching him walk away.

I walk towards the luggage carriers to store my trunk away. By one of the shelves there is a small chubby boy trying to lift his bag onto the train. But in the process of lifting it , it falls straight back down onto him, knocking him to the floor.

"Um, need a little help there?

He turns around to see me and flushes out of embarrassment.

"If you could, t-that would be nice," He stutters out of breath.

But even with both me and the small boy lifting the trunk we still could not get it onto the carrier.

"Struggling?" Another boy says behind us with a half smile on his face.

I brush the hair out of my face before stating, "a bit."

This boy, being rather tall, was able to get both me and the little boy's trunks onto the train with little to no effort.

The taller boy turns to me and gives me another small smile, "that wasn't too hard."

I just look at him blankly, "I envy you."

The boy just laughs slightly.

I take a look at him more closely and notice two rather large scars that lay across his face. He seems to notice my look because he turns away quickly walking back on the train.

"I hate tall people," the other boy beside me, speaks up finally.

"Me as well," I turned to him, "What's your name?"

"Peter," He says, giving me a slight wave, "Pettigrew."

"Well, Peter Pettigrew," I say as the train whistle goes off, "Us short people must stick together."

And with that I drag him onto the train in search of an empty compartment.


Peter and I walk down the train corridors.

Everywhere seems to be full, so I am hoping that Sirius found a compartment that will fit us.

"There she is!"

Imperfection : A Marauders Fanfiction ~ First YearWhere stories live. Discover now