"The entrance to the cellar is designed to open when all of the candles have been lit..." Renado explained, causing Barnes to light a torch and begin lighting candles.

"... I... would not do that," the girl Colin's age stopped Barnes after he lit the central brazier. "When father instructed me to secure the cellar, I saw insects like the beasts outside."

This caused my ears to perk up while causing Barnes to drop the torch and scuttle back to the window.

"Don't cry Beth! It'll be okay!" Colin said to Beth. "Luna is coming to save us all... I can feel it."

"Easy for you to say!" Beth cried, "you and Ilia are the only ones that didn't tease and bully her. She'd save you, not the rest of us."

"Of course we did, she looks weird and she uses shadow magic. These are creatures of shadows, she's probably the one controlling them," Talon scoffed with Malo nodding.

"He really thinks that of me?" I whined, "I'd never do that, sure I don't like their teasing and bullying me, but I don't want this. I'm trying to stop it."

"She wouldn't do that!" Colin and Beth yelled.

"Beth?" I questioned knowing that Beth had joined in the bad treatment of me.

"You joined in too?" Malo reminded Beth.

"Not because I think she would do this," Beth said. "I did it because I was jealous. She's so beautiful and exotic, it made me feel ugly in comparison. And I took it out on her."

"I'm sure she doesn't hold it against you," Colin said. "She's said before that she wishes she could be friends with all of us. If she held it against you then she wouldn't want to be friends."

"Thanks," Beth told Colin in thanks.

"Unless she wants to be friends to stab us in the back," Talon said, only for Beth to jump him while I decided to leave before I could hear more of what Talon and Malo thought of me.

I lit the candles with the torch Barnes dropped, which caused the statue in the center of the room to move aside revealing the entrance to the cellar.

"What sorcery is this?!" Renado cried, "the entrance to the cellar opening up on its own... could those beasts have engineered even this?"

I couldn't hear anymore as I jumped down the cellar, where I destroyed the shadow insects, before jumping up the scaffolding and out a hole in the graveyard, where I headed back to the town itself and met up with Linkette who noticed I was sad.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I'll tell you later when we meet back up with Saria. I don't want to repeat myself after all," I sighed, "anyway I got three shadow insects. How about you?"

"I got 2," Linkette said, before there was a loud explosion.

We went to check it out, having to go through the bomb shop to get up top, but ending up near a destroyed building and a soot covered Saria.

"What happened?" we asked.

"I got four tears of light," she said, "but the last three were in a bomb storage shed, and I accidentally set them off, destroying the building. But at least I got the three tears of light inside."

"Well at least you are safe, let's get the rest of the tears. That should be all of the ones in the village, and the rest are on death mountain," I said checking the map.

"Hey Luna?" Linkette said, "before we do, can you tell us why you were sad when we met up?"

I sighed but told them about what Talon had said, causing them to press close to me in the animal version of hugs, not knowing what to say.

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