Jealous pt1.

Depuis le début

Bada walked through the people with a confident smile answering the questions the photographers asked, all eyes on her, some random little whispers talking about how beautiful and elegant she looked made Luna smile even more, she really is beautiful.
Luna's and Bada's eyes met as Bada came closer to the guest area, both of them smiled widly.
"You're so prettyyyy", Luna said as she wrapped her arms around Bada's neck and Bada hugged her by the waist, "You're the prettiest", Bada answered giggling. Both of them knew this wasn't the most suitable greeting to make in front of everyone, specially with all the rumours about them, but they didn't care, after all, no media could confirm that they were something more than friends.
"Wow Badariii", Hoseok said chuckling cutely looking at Bada making us laugh, that was his most honest way of calling her pretty without making it uncomfortable in front of other people.
"Hoseok-aa", she answered in the same way he complimented her as we laughed again making people around us think what the hell we were doing. After some time the photographers left the party making it finally private, at least a little bit as there were still some random ass guests trying to sneakily take pics of other guests, but we just ignored those.

"Ya! You were on fire on that stage", Hoseok said complimenting Soyoon as she walked in our direction after performing.
"Aha thank you oppa", she said chuckling. "I'm so impressed you actually came", she said touching my shoulders. "You look amazing as always", she smiled looking right in my eyes.
Hoseok laughed silently taking a sip from his drink as he watched everything with curious eyes.
"Hi, nice to meet you!", she greteed Bada before I could even thank her, they shook hands as Bada greteed her with a kind smile.
We talked a bit, Bada and Soyoon got to know a bit more about eachother and me and Soyoon remembered the time we were working on one of our feats. Suddenly I felt one of Bada's arm wrap my waist, slightly pulling me closer to her as we talked about cold noodles with Soyoon, I looked up at Bada and our eyes met for some miliseconds, even though she had a little smile I could see some feeling I couldn't guess at the moment, maybe because of the alcohol effect that made everything a bit confusing, so I just kept talking with Soyoon. My smile got bigger and my laughs became more frequent as the minutes passed and Bada didn't took her arm out of my waist, my whole body shivered when she gave some light squeezes on my hip bone, but the way I acted didn't really matter because I could simply blame on the alcohol when Hoseok questioned later.
And then Kang Daniel appeared from nowhere calling Bada to film some tiktok with him, she went happily but quite reluctant to her friend.
"I'll be right back", she said as we let go of eachother.  Hoseok laughed at Bada but she just ignored him.
"She's so cute, but quite jelly, isn't she?", Soyoon whispered with a smirk getting by my side.
"Do you think so?", a uncontrollable little smile formed on my lips.
Hoseok's curious eyes went back and forth between me and Soyoon as we talked.
"What does jelly means?", he finally asked.
"Nothing.", Soyoon laughed changing subjects.

I stood there silently with a smile on my lips, like a lost child, trying to connect the dots in my head, then the image of her looking at me went through my mind, a sullen expression I couldn't comprehend, eyes showing a feeling I couldn't name.

Loud music, people talking, random screams for the current performer, the stage lighting flashing on my eyes, people trying to greet me, the alcohol making it's effect on my mind, everything I saw was kinda blurred, like there was an instagram filter in my own eyes, it wasn't too bad, I just nedeed to find her.
I entered the first door I saw when I listened someone behind me calling my name for the thousandth time in the last 5 minutes. I sighed trying my best not to have a shift on my mood so I could stay okay at least till the end of the night.
I turned my body only then realizing Bada was also on that room, It was a room for the guests chat without much noise but as there were a performance happening the only person there was her, she was sitting on one of the sofas, being illuminated only by a few lampshades scattered throughout the decorations in the room. Our eyes met as she raised her head, a serious expression on our faces.
"I'm already tired", Bada murmured.
"It's too much", I reached for her hand, she got up holding on tightly.
Our bodies got too close, It was dangerous to be this close in that environment, someone could see it, there could be cameras in that room, but her lips looked so irrestible, all I wanted to be comforted by her soft lips and her hands caressing my cheeks, I longed for the warmth of her body touching mine. My heart thumped on my chest but I didn't hesitate, my hands gently pulled her closer by her collar, she looked at me confused until she realized what I nedeed. Her hands touched my cheeks pulling my face close to hers, she brushed our lips gently making me sigh, then our lips touched and I could taste the bitter whiskey she drank earlier, our tongues made the kiss become wet as her hands traveled through my body, not in a sexual way, she was caressing me gently, comforting me from that night. We pulled away from each other and she gave me sweet small pecks while caressing my cheekbones with her thumbs, little smiles forming on our humid lips as I hugged her by the waist, she touched our foreheads together and we chuckled closing our eyes.
"Can we go home?", Bada asked in the swetest tone wrapping her arms around my shoulders and hiding her face on the crook of my neck.
"Of course my darling", I said smiling at the way she said "home" so casually, my fingers went through the strands of her hair as I pulled her closer to me, wanting to feel her close like she was under my skin.
We made our way out of the room in a "friends distance" from eachother, walking in the dark between the drunk people.
"BADA! LUNA! I didn't know you were coming.", Jackson said smiling happily at us.
"I already regretted coming", I said nonchalantly.
"As expected", Jackson sighned. "You killed on the last ep, congratulations for the victory, you deserve it", he smiled sweetly at her.
"Ah, thank you so much", she answered smiling shyly, It always impressed me how shy Bada actually was out of the stage, she would turn into all giggles and smiles with the simplest compliments. "I'm already expecting something big for your next performances together", he looked at both of us. "This year MAMA is gonna be craazy", he giving a little laugh in the middle of the sentence.
"Surely will, you're also gonna be performing right?", Luna asked getting quite entertained thinking about the performances.
"Right! Your performances always have such amazing pirotecnic effects", Bada engaged.
We talked with him for some minutes, until Taehyung appeared from nowhere. "You guys never learn, you can't stop talking about work even in a party", he said with mischivieous eyes and quite red cheeks, a large smile as he held a drink on one of his hands and danced casually in a funny way.

As we walked down the stairs leaving the party the blinding lights from the big cameras of inumerous journalist flashed in our eyes causing discomfort. I basically threw myself in the car as fast as possible and Bada did the same behind me, we greteed Sejin but from his face I could tell he was not in the mood to have a chat right now, I'll ask him later if something happened.

"I don't know how you deal with that", she said in a wide eye gaze.
"You'll have to learn how to deal because you know it well all of those flashes weren't just for me", I said taking of my heels.
"What am I going to do?", she threw her head back leaning on the seat, a frustrated sigh left her lips.
She leaned her head on my shoulders, hugging me by the side.
"You're such a baby", I giggled caressing her head and back.

"You're home!", Sejin announced with a gentle little smile looking at us from the mirror, "Good night kids. Don't forget to eat something before sleep, you both drank quite a bit tonight", he chuckled in the middle of the last phrase.
"Yes sir, goodnight!", we answered at the same time in a laugh getting out of the car.

Pt2 coming later

antifreeze • Bada Lee One ShotsOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant