"At Least We Tried"

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I fucking hate the title phrase right now.

We had a marching competition today, a state level competition, and I was confident that we would be finalists, or at least place highly.

And then every other band had schools that looked like they should have been colleges and NEW UNIFORMS JUST FOR THEIR SHOW and 25 color guard members and props that must have taken weeks to make.

We placed 7th in our division. Out of 7. We placed dead last. I was already asking why the hell we even bothered to show up. It was very clearly a money competition.

And of course, everyone's still screaming at me because apparently me saying that I really didn't feel like anyone "didn't try their absolute best at the competition because they didn't want to stay until 10:00pm" and thought that was unreasonable.

And I'm still having to listen to people argue over stupid shit.

I just want to go home.

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