ʟᴇᴛ's ᴘʟᴀʏ ʀɪᴄʜ-ᴍᴀɴ ᴘᴏᴏʀ-ᴍᴀɴ!

Începe de la început

#She held that steel pipe in front of their face#

Iseul : Don't bring steel pipes at school!

#Her throat is trembling#

Aera : I didn't bring this idiots, it's from our school! And looks like you're scared huh!

Haneul : No-no! We aren't!

Aera : Do you think I'm blind?!

Y/N : Aera please...It's not necessary...

#You're grabbing her arm with your both hands palms#

Yoongi pov : It's very annoying...
I should say something to stop this...
and look at Y/N who is grabbing that
girl's arm, she is trying to stop her...

Yoongi : How about battle?....rice ball!

Boy : Battle?!

#That boy is standing in front Yoongi#

A/N : Maybe his friend? He made some friends or just only he asked?
let's see what is it?🤷‍♀️

Yoongi : One-on-one matches, first to score a blow wins, "The only rule is no killing!"

#He fisted his both hands together while smirking at Jimin slightly, then
he stood up from his seat in excitement#

Yoongi : Weapons are allowed! In that game : People will fight for their rice balls, even if they bleed!, even if they
lose their body parts!

Yoongi : Who agrees with me?

#All the students present on that room, rejected his proposal#

Everyone : Rejected!...

#But you didn't said anything, because
you were busy to admire him, because he was smiling a little bit while explaining his idea#

Yoongi : Whaaattt?!?!...what's with that attitude?! I'm cooperating and giving my idea!...

#Jimin was looking at Yoongi with a amazed disguised face, then he looked at you, he saw you're busy to admire him#

Jimin : What if we mix in some duds Ruka?

#He asked the girl who is standing with him#

Jimin : Maybe people who buy three could choose one more for free, but some of the choices are duds?

#Everyone in the class became quiet when they saw Jimin is talking with
Ruka, and heard everything Jimin said to Ruka#

Everyone in the class : Idea accepted!

#They all said excitement#

Yoongi : Why'd you all go with his idea?!

#He yelled before he sit down#

Minamoto : Yoongi, boongi! Your idea
was too weird?

Hyuk : So don't pout about this Yoongi boongi!

#They both laughed at him#

Yoongi : Shut up! and don't call me by that name! I don't like!

Minamoto : Huuuhh! Don't be mad Yoongi, Boongi!

#They started laughing at him again#

Sakura : Look! cats!

Hana : Huh?...

Aera : When'd they get here?

#Yoongi was sitting quietly croosing his hands, and some cats were cuddling with him#

Chika : How cuteeee!

#She stands in front of Yoongi, she was about to touch those cats#

Yoongi : Leave me alone!!!!!

"ᴡʜᴀᴛ ɪs ᴄᴜʀsᴇ?"  (𝚜𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚘𝚗-𝟷) || 𝑶𝑻 𝟕 Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum