Chapter 9

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I had woken up to what sounded like ocean waves beating against the rocks, I opened my eyes slowly to see we were on a cliff next to the ocean, I looked to my left to see Sam was looking at me smiling.

"What?" I playfully pushed his shoulder as I propped myself up in the seat "I was just sleeping, what's that look for?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to bring you to my favourite spot, I come up here everyday, it's beautiful" Sam's eyes were catching the light of the sun reflecting off the water, I let off a small smile as I propped myself up in my seat a bit further.

"Do you want to come to the Conjuring House with us..?" Sam asked nervously "I don't want to feel like I'm pressuring you but it would be so good if you spent a week with Colby and I. Perhaps Colby might warm up to you a little bit"

I sat there procrastinating for a while, I didn't want to leave my job but I also didn't want to let Sam down, finally after some thought I had agreed to go.

Sam had a grin on his face "Really?! This'll be so good! Now I'm not pressuring you to spend all week there but maybe a few days?" Sam was acting like a child in a candy store, he was so excited.

"Now now let's not get to far ahead of ourselves. I'll see how I go after a few days. If I don't like it I'm leaving" I laughed to myself

"Deal" Sam said with a smile, after a moment of silence he started the car and started driving back to the house. It was a silent car ride back home.

(Time skip to the house)

I sat on the couch minding my own business, the house was almost silent apart from the occasional noise from either Sam or Colby. Suddenly, I heard footsteps and thudding, it sounded like it was a suitcase getting pulled down the stairs, I looked up at the bottom of the stairs and was met by the sight of Colby, he was standing there with his large suitcase, after the awkward silence he spoke.

"You ready? We're leaving" Colby said quickly, then the noise of a suitcase coming down the stairs started again, this time it was Sam.

I stood up an nodded "Ready as I'll ever be, my suitcase is already in the car" I walked out to the car sitting in the backseat. This was my life now.. I went from being a waitress in a small café to being brought along with Sam and Colby to the conjuring house.. that's all I remember thinking about before I blacked out into sleep.

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