Chapter 7

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I had woken up at roughly 2pm to yelling, it was coming from downstairs, I figured it was just Sam and Colby yelling at a sports game or something on the TV. I had stretched out in bed cracking my back either side then I got up walking down the stairs quietly but once I had heard what they were yelling about I stopped in my tracks.

"You can't act all soft with a girl you've just met! You've just broken up with Kat, what if people see you and another girl together? How are our fans gonna act! Their all gonna go ballistic, we haven't even properly talked to her! We've just invited her into our house and then she almost died! Are you insane?! She's not coming with us to the conjuring house, no way. I'd rather stay there by myself then go with her!" Colby had just given a whole speech, I know we'd just met but the last sentence hurt. I walked back upstairs to the guest room.

I grabbed the charger Sam had let me borrow and I changed back into my own clothes and left the charger, leggings and hood in a neat pile on the bed, there was a window that was open, I had crawled out of it carefully dropping out of it, it wasn't that far of a drop but enough to make my feet feel weird when I had landed. My phone buzzed in my pocket, the screen flashed with Sam's name, the text had read.

Tilly? Where have you gone! Colby and I need to talk to you. Have you just got up and left?

I had turned my phone on do not disturb stuffing my phone in my pocket, a single tear had fallen from my eye, I had carefully wiped it with my finger looking up at the traffic in front of me. I heard a loud screech behind me, it was the sound of tires coming to a halt not that far away from me. Someone had got out the car yelling.

"Tils! Where are you going?" Sam had yelled out he ran up to me grabbing my arm causing me to spin around, a look of worry was in his eyes, his pupils were dilated, he was blinking much more then he normally would. "What do you think your doing? You just leave with no explanation? What if something had happened to you?!" His voice trembled as he hesitated to speak, he would stumble over his words mid sentence

Sam was acting like a mother, I let out a sigh pulling away from his grip. I know he didn't say anything about me going to the Conjuring House in fact I think he wanted me to go.

"Why did Colby not want me to go to the Conjuring? He said he'd rather stay there by himself? You didn't say that you wanted ME to go did you..?"

The blonde was kicking rocks when he looked up "Yes I did... I think it would be good. It'll be someone new on the channel in addition to that, your ability's could possible save us if something happened. Please, just come back to the house and we'll all sit down and have a proper talk. Please Tilly please"

I looked directly into Sam's eyes, he looked extremely exhausted, his eyes looked heavy and his shoulders were slouched, I couldn't let him down. I had agreed to come back, but I wanted to get out of these clothes, they felt stiff and uncomfortable.

"Can we at least go back to my house for like 10 minutes? It's just down the road. I need to change out of these I'm so uncomfortable." I had started to walk to the car Sam had parked about 50 meters from where we were standing. Sam nodded following closely behind me. Before we drove off Sam had made a call to Colby saying that he was just taking me to my house to change my clothes.

Once he'd finished the call he started to drive off speaking, he sounded more relaxed and happier then before "Hey, you should pack some clothes so you don't have to use Katrina's old clothes all the time. If you forget anything we could always just drive down to the mall later and get whatever you need"

I nodded staring out the window, why was this my life now? I had gone from working in a café to being best friends with Sam and possibly being in a Sam and Colby YouTube Video, what did I do to deserve this? I didn't deserve it at all. I had looked over at Sam who was focused on driving, I had let off a smile, his blonde hair was shining in the sun and his eyes were a perfect blue, I had turned my attention back to out my window as I rested my head on it, next thing I knew I was asleep.

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