Chapter 4

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I had chuckled at the nickname he'd given me, Tils was a new one. "Come on come inside! It's freezing out here! Aren't you cold? Your in shorts, and where's your jumper? Don't tell me you left it at the park"

A car honking outside on the highway broke the silence "yeah maybe.. don't worry I'll be fine!" I spoke up breaking the tension. Sam was shooing me inside, I wiped my feet on the door mat and walked in, I was in complete awe as I looked around, a beautiful crystal chandelier hung from the roof when you walked in. A set of stairs was going up to the second floor.

"Beautiful isn't it?" Sam spoke up from behind me. "We were really surprised on how cheap this house was considering how nice it is. You should stay over, it's pretty late and of course you don't have to as you only just met us, there's a guest bedroom, Colby's is opposite the guest room and mines next to it so that if you need us just knock on our door. Again, you don't have to stay but it's pretty late and we still have to talk about your "magical" ability"

Once Sam finished speaking, I stood there speechless, I didn't have anything comfortable to wear. Just some Nike Pro Shorts and a short sleeve shirt, Sam must've been able to read my mind because he said "I have some sweatpants and a hoodie if you wanna borrow it, it's a bit cold to be wearing shorts and a short sleeve shirt, he had walked up the stairs to his room coming back down with those things. I had nodded taking the clothes off of him.

"Of course I'd stay! Thank you guys so much, I really appreciate it, where's the uh bathroom?" I looked around the large house knowing if I went to look for it I'd get lost. Colby guided me up the stairs towards the guest room "There's an ensuite in there so you don't have to share a bathroom with us guys. Hey can I also talk to you? You've done nothing wrong or anything"

Colby closed the door over but not fully shut, he had sat on the end of the bed whilst I stood in the doorway of the bathroom "So about Sam, how did you manage to save his life twice and your not making a big deal about it? Like this is a big things, you could come on all the paranormal trips with us"

"I'm going to be completely honest with you Colby, I actually don't even know myself. And I definitely couldn't ask you to invite me on all your trips, I couldn't do that" I rested on the door frame slightly, putting all my weight into it.

"Tilly your not asking. Im offering, I'll let you do you and I'll leave you to it, goodnight Tilly see you in the morning" he flashed a smile opening the door and closing it again. What the fuck just happened, I had just been working in a cafe and now I'm sleeping in Sam and Colby's house my life had just completely changed. None of my coworkers would believe me but I had a plan not to tell them, I didn't want them to give me or the boys shit. I had changed into the sweatpants and hoodie, it was a bit baggy but I didn't mind, I had climbed into bed pulling the duvet up to my chin, as soon as my head hit the pillow I was asleep.

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